chapter 27

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Dedicated to VeronicaVito3

"OMG!" Chris looked at the man after he walked out. "I can't believe this."

Chris laughed at his manager/producer and he couldn't believe it himself. How could he? It had been years since he came up with anything and after years, here he was.

His manager pulled him into hug, "how did this come up?" He asked when he pulled away. "I could kiss you right now." He was so excited.

And so was Chris. He was proud of himself. Very much.

"What do we call it?"

Unlike last time, he wasn't going to realize an album at all. It was single. A single that was inspired. A single that was going to help someone out there. And he didn't need his producer to give it a name. No, he already knew it from the beginning.

"Remember me." He said smiling.

"I love it." Now Chris was doubting himself. He wasn't this excited about the song. Or was he? "When are you going to finish it?"

Chris chuckled at his manager's excitement. "When I see my inspiration today." He answered them moved to take a seat across from where his manager was sitted before.

His smile never went away and he wasn't planning to let it go. He was happy. Happy that after six long years he was back to the game again. Happy that he still could write something and it was all for Maya. He wrote it for her. Even if it wasn't yet complete, it was for her. She had inspired her and he prayed that once she listened to the song, it would help her. Help her remember maybe something about her past.

He wasn't selfish. So if it meant her remembering her best friend, that would be enough for him. Enough to know that he helped in a way. And he was sure as hell that she was going to remember him. One way or the other. She would. Don't they said the mind can forget but the heart can't? Her heart knew him. He was very much sure of that but she was afraid.

Afraid that she fell in love with him one day. Afraid that despite what he had done to her, her heart had chosen him.

"And who inspired you?" His manager asked walking over to a mini fridge to pull out two bottles of water. "You haven't even stepped a foot here since you know."

That was true, he hadn't come to the studio since Maya 'died.' But here he was. Singing, inspired by the same woman who had ruined him when it came to that talent. Of course, he wasn't about to tell him that Maya was alive. No one seemed to know that and it had to stay that way for the time being. She had to remember who she was before the media came flowing to her.

What about the fashion show, Chris?

His subconscious asked while he thought of it. May had accepted to work with him one weeks ago and it wasn't because she wanted to, it's because her new best friend and partner had said that it was a good idea since they would go international. So according to her, she was doing it for her best friend. And not because he asked her or he wanted had a good proposal.

Chris smiled at his manager who handed him the bottle. "You'll meet her soon." He promised while opening the water bottle.

His manager sat back down and did the same. "An old sweetheart?" He was way too curious to know it. "I listened to the lyrics and it's about someone who wants to be remembered by a person who forgot them." He took a swing and after swallowing, he went on. "Do you want to recuddle old flames?"

Chris laughed while shaking his head. His producer could really be creative and pesistance.

"As I said, you'll meet her soon." Chris shook his head and got up from his seat.

Remember Me (sequel of Shouldn't Have Kissed You) Where stories live. Discover now