chapter 28

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Dedicated to LilyAndreson4

"I can't stand this," Chris said moving once again towards where Maya laid. She wasn't breathing and he wasn't going to let her die while he watched. Not when he had just found her.


Chris shook Maya to wake up but it's like she was far gone. She wasn't with them. Not even close at all. And he was afraid. Afraid that he may lose her.

"Maya wake up." He shouted to her but still she was shaking and murmuring something. She was in pain. "Damn it, you did this to her, wake her up."

Becky snapped back and called her name. But nothing was working. It was bad already the way things where going. Why did he even think that this would work? He should have let her be. She could have remembered who she was at the right time. Now, look where jealous brought him to. Him loosing her all over again.

"She isn't listen to me." Becky said looking apologitic to him.

And that's what led him to do what he did next. He shook her up. Hard at that matter and in seconds, her eyes were opening up. She was staring at him as she took in a deep breath of oxygen. She was back to him. Where she belonged. Yes, she belonged in the present and not the past at all. She belonged to her twins and not the nightmare of the past.

Maybe that's why her fake husband had kept her away from them. Because she deserved all the happiness in the world. She deserved to be happy and if her family was what made her happy, then he was going to let her be. She deserved that and much more.

Chris inspected her once she had come down from whatever she saw back there. In her past. "Are you okay?" He knew concern was written all over his face but he didn't care. He loved her. He still loved Maya with all his being.

"Yes," Maya answered looking around as if to try and remember where she was. "I saw something, I mean someone." She looked at Chris, "it was a girl barely ten I think." Chris listened to her, "She wore a princess dress and she look so happy. I think it was her birthday. Her smile," she looked from Chris to Becky then back to Chris once again. "it made you want to smile just looking at it. She was in the kitchen and she look a glass of water so that she can purr some water for herself but the glass broke.

"Chris, she looked afraid. It's like she had committed the biggest crime ever. And before I could tell her that it was okay, a man walked in. I don't know why but I couldn't see his face." Maya's breath was already labours. "He called her name's, bad ones at that matter. I couldn't never even bring myself to calling the twins anything in my life. The girl began to cry but that didn't stop the monster of a man.

"Instead it got worse. He took the kitchen knife and before I could register what was happening the knife was the girl. He stubbed her because she broke a glass of water. Glass. And as if that wasn't enough, he left her for death. He just left her there as if he cared nothing about her. Actually he didn't..."

Chris pulled Maya into his arms and rubbed her back as she cried her eyes out. He knew what she was talking about and he hated himself for what he had done to her. It was his fault that she witnessed her own self. Good thing she didn't know that it was herself in that memory.

"Oh my God!" Chris heard her exclaim before she pulled herself away from him. "That was me, wasn't?" She asked looking at both of them. "I am that ten year old girl. I'm the one who was stabbed and left to death." She got up from seat. "The scars on my body, the ones that you saw two weeks ago, remember them?" She asked Chris with horror in her eyes. "They're from that man. He was the one who gave me those scars. He did this to me.

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