chapter 37

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"I said lemme go Chris," May tried to pull herself away from Chris but he wasn't letting her do that. He was stronger than her and she hated that he was winning over her.

Chris pulled her even closer and he tried to make her look at him but she wasn't having it. She wasn't going to let anything interfere with what she wanted. Not even his hazel eyes.

"I can't, what's happening?" He asked sounding as clueless as he could. He should be, right? He knew what was happening to them. To her and she wasn't going to let it happen. "I mean, we were okay a few minutes ago and now, you want to be away from me. Look at you."

"Please Chris." She pleased as she locked her eyes with his. "Just lemme go."

"I can't Maya." He was searching for answers. "Not after what happened from last night."

Maya once again tried to pull herself from him. "You'll do that at some point." She moved again. "So please just leave me."

"I'll never do that to you." He tucked her hair behind her ears. "I love you, Maya. Very much." Again his hand began to rub her cheek, "so can you tell me what's happening? Is it what the kids said?"

May shook her head even though she was in a way lying and also telling the truth. When Prince had come in the room, she was no longer in the bed but under it. She hated herself as she listened to her twins especially when Gabriella talked about her and Reigns. She was too innocent to the obvious and it hurt Maya. She had to wonder when all things changed in her life. It's no longer the same family that she knew and in a way it was her fault. Hers.

Isn't the woman who is supposed to build her home. If the Bible did talk about it. If she remembered well it said that a wise woman is the one who builds her own home but a foolish one destroys it with her own hands.

So could you blame her if she saw herself as the foolish woman?

She was destroying her own family with her own hands. She was being unfaithful to her own husband and worst of all, they're under the same roof. How disgusting could she possibly get?

"Talk to me, kitten," Chris whispered in her ears as he brushed his lips, "I said I love you."

"Stop!" She shouted as she pushed him away with all her mighty. "Just stop," tears began to flow down her cheeks. "Please don't say no more."

"That I love you?" He balanced himself and began to talk a step towards her, "Maya, I have loved you since almost seven years ago and I'll till my last breath."

"I said stop." She lifted her hand stopping him from his truck. She didn't mean it in stopping him from walking but from speaking but it was good that he stopped walking. "What Gabriella said a few minutes ago made me realize the kinda woman I am."

"Maya," he called her in a calm way, "look at me." She did, "Gabriella is just a kid, she might be right but she doesn't understand anything. Not us adults."

Maya laughed. She really laughed hard and she looked away from Chris for a while before going back to stare at him.

"You're a right, Chris, she is just a kid and you know what's funny? She knows way too much than us." Again a tear fell down. "I should go." She turned around but two arms held her in place. "Please Chris."

"No," he held her firmly, "I can't. Not unless you give me a valued reason."

"I'm married and I love my husband very much."

"Love him, but you're not in love with him as I am with you."

"Lemme go this instance." Of course he hit a nerve in her.

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