chapter 10

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Dedicated to poojaGhugtiya

But wait, Chris thought to himself, I'm really going crazy?

Chris looked else where but his friend. He couldn't be going crazy. He was as sure as the sun rises from East and sets in West that he had seen Maya. She was in front of him for minutes. And he stared at her without moving a muscle or blinking afraid she might disapper on him. Then how was he even considering to be mad?

He wasn't crazy. Not now or in the past. He was very much of a somber mind despite what his friend thought.

"What you're saying Chris is impossible." Wesley's cut through his thoughts. "We were all there Chris, the whole world even witnessed it." Chris could hear how his friend was struggling to be came. "No one survived that blasting."

Wesley was right. After the bombing happened, the whole country went to a moaning for one week. Flags were raised half way in respect for the fallen heros. How could he forget that?Maya died innocent or so he thought that she had died.

"I know Wes, but believe what I'm telling you." He rubbed the back of his neck out of habit. "She was right in front of me."

"Let's say I believe you, how many times have you seen Maya in other women in the past?"

At that moment, Chris understood why no matter how true was, Wesley will never believe him. In the past he had seen Maya way too many times. He saw her in a stranger passing by him. A woman shopping in a mall. He even saw her in Prince's teacher on time. And it was worse the first year of her death. She was everywhere that he went. She kept her bright smile in every corner that he passed and his friend was aware of this.

How could he not be? Wesley was the one he ran to when he saw Maya. He was the one who comforted him when his mother wasn't around. When she told he that he deserved the guilt that was eating him alive. According to her, it was his karma. But then she was really mad at him.

And he understood why. Maya was like a daughter to her. So as hard as Chris took her death hard, his mother Bernice took it harder...

"See why I can't believe a word that you say?"

Chris took a deep breath in. "Wesley, this time is different."

It was true, it was really different.

"How so Chris? Please tell me so I can understand."

"I was shopping at the toy section. I was looking for something to get Prince and when I got it, I turned to get back to him when I saw her. She was few feets away from me Wes. I could even smell her perfume.

"From what I saw she was debating on which berbie doll buy for her kid. One was pink in colour while the other was..."

"Wait, did you say her kid?"

"Actually they're two of them. A boy and a girl. I think they're twins."

"How do you know that they're her kids assuming it was Maya that you saw?"

"The kids called her momma."

Wesley leaned on his glass desk, "Meaning that that wasn't Maya." He said plain and blank. "If it was really Maya, where could she get the kids from. Again, why didn't she come back to us if she really is alive?"

Chris had also thought of that since he saw her. If she was Maya, why didn't she contact any of them. Why did she not bother telling them that she was alive? But he had come up with two conclusion. One, she thought that she was better off without them which he understood if that was the case.

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