chapter 22

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Dedicated to WC2Lady

Chris said a come in before going back to what he had been doing. He knew who was at the door and for his sake he didn't want to give him that benefit. The benefit of him thinking that his boss had been waiting for him. It had been two days since he discovered that Maya was Prince's friends mother and he still couldn't believe it.

No, not believe. He did believe that she was his Maya what he didn't believe was that all that time she was just there. There for his son and yet he still hadn't met her. And worse, his Nanny never did. Alma was the one to always take Prince to their house and according to her, she only met the nanny at the door way. Always and she never bothered going inside because according to her, Prince was in better hands. And how she knew that? She just the feeling. At least that's what she told Chris.

Chris pretended to be reading a document as the door opened and closed. He dared not to look up.

"Sir," Phil called for his attention but he didn't give him the second. "Sir, I'm here to do my presentation."

And that's when Chris looked up. He didn't want to be mad. In fact he was mad but he was disappointed by Phil. This was the first time and he didn't like it. Not Phil. Not when he found out that Maya was alive and he knew where she lived. But he couldn't help it. It was there and he had to be boss first before becoming a brother in law.

They're at the office and office made business not family affairs. And since Phil had failed to present his work two days ago, he was not happy about it.

"Mr. Freeman, what day is it?" He asked pushing the document aside.

Phil still stood at the doorway. It's like he was afraid of Chris and for some reason Chris thought that he should be. "It's Thursday, sir."

Chris debated on whether to let him sit down first or not. "Mmh," he nodded. "And when was the presentation supposed to be done?"

"On Monday, sir." He was now nervous. "I'm really sorry for the inconveniences..."

"Inconveniences?" Chris raised his voice. He didn't mean to but he did anyway. "This isn't inconveniences Mr. Freeman. It's what I call incompetence." Chris pushed his seat. "And what I hate the most is incompetence in my company. Do you get it?"

"Yes sir." He looked down. "It won't happen again sir."

Chris pushed his seat back and sat down once again. "It better not." He locked his gaze with Phil. "Do you remember the rules that I gave you before I hired you?"

"Yes," his eyes were still locked with Chris' like a true soldier. "When it comes to work, I've to forget that were related." He said the rule that Chris had given him. "And that if I ever feel like you can't be my boss anymore I had to quit before we disrespected one another."

Chris thought of that day. It's the rules that he gave to anyone that he was close to when they came looking for work in his company. He knew how messed up it can get when families work together or friends. But for Maya, he gave Phil a chance and he didn't want to regret it.

He was good at his job. In fact the best marketing director he ever got since his company was born. And for that he was greatly appreciative.

"I'm sorry if I come out as mean to you," he began to explain. "But when people see you do that and I do nothing, they'll think they can do it too."

" I understand and nothing has been taken personal." He looked calm as he spoke. "You're my boss and I shouldn't just fail to show up at work no matter how important whatever I was doing was."

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