chapter 19

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Dedicated to Trusoutherner

"Thank you for shopping with GGM Reigns." May said while handing the over the bag to a customer a smile on her face.

The customer thanked her and walked away and in a way May was relieved. She was tired and the store looked like it was calling more customers as the day went own. But that was her last customer and she had to enjoy it while it last. Maybe breath in and out before someone comes in through that door.

May sat down and took her lunch box from the shelf. It was already past lunch time but what was she to do. Tell her customers time out it was lunch time? She had to smile all through despite her stomach grabbling all the while. If only Rafael didn't have the exams.

But maybe it was about that time, the time she looked for someone to help her. Wait, it wasn't someone, the store needed more hands that it could get and she had to find those hands sooner than later.

May took her a taste of her own food and she couldn't help but moan. It was heaven and she wanted to stay there. Without being disturbed by anyone or anything at all. She ate quietly as she thought of nothing in particular. Or maybe she should think of how she had gone for almost a month without chatting with her husband.

Yes, a month was about to end since their fight over her wanting another baby. Wait, should she even call it a fight? They didn't argue over it. He just said he couldn't do that. That he wasn't ready for another baby and that all. What kinda explanation was that anyway? He could be ready in twenty years for all she cared. That was actually pissing her off and she had to stop thinking about him.

But if she did, then it would mean they will never make up. She had to give in to him since he seemed not ready to do it. He even located to a couch which she was sure he wasn't comfortable in. He was tall and that couch couldn't even hold her height even if she wanted to.

He had suffered a lot for the past few weeks and besides, their make up was long over due. May even wondered what happened to never going to bed mad with the other partner. She missed him and she wanted his warmth beside her. She wanted her marriage to work. Who knows, that's what lead to divorce in the future.

To her, it all starts that way. You fight and no one makes an effort to apologise. Then one makes another mistake and you refuse to talk about it. By the time you realize anything, you're served with divorce papers. And what do men tell you at that moment? Something like I can't do this anymore or it's not you, it's me. Actually they do that while you're dating and they want to divorce you.

And she didn't want that. She didn't want it do get to a place where her husband said it's not you, I am the one with the problem. No, she had to fix it before he even had a chance to dream about it if that was even necessary at all.

May pushed her lunch box aside and took a swing of water from the water bottle that she carried with her. So far so go. No customer at the moment and she was very much tempted to turn that board at the door to read closed for a moment. How tempted she was but she didn't do it.

Instead, she got up and stretched out her legs by walking around. It helped even though she seemed to be walking around the store a lot helping her customer chose the best jewelry in the store. Don't get her wrong, he jewelry were all good but beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, right?

She walked around to look at what needed to be added and she realized that in bracelet section and anklet section needed more. She walked at the back store and began to fill a bag with what she needed. Just then, she heard the door bell ring indicating that a customer just walked in. But that didn't make her hurry up. They could look around while she did what she had gone back there to do.

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