chapter 33

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Maya looked around and honestly, she loved what she saw. Kyle was really talented in her work and it was good. Her husband was really going to love this. He was going to enjoy her surprise and maybe after this, he was going to crave in to her. Maya smiled at herself letting her eyes look up to the person whom had made this happen.

Kyle. For the past few months she had come close to her. For now, all May could say was they were good friends. But wait, did good friends share a lot like Kyle did? She had even told May that she was seeing too guys at the same time. Wait again, who was her actually boyfriend? Phil or Wesley?

May shook her head to clear her thoughts. It wasn't the time to think about those things. Today was her day. Hers and her husband. She straighted out her white dress that reach her knees. And as always,Chris had made it own his own. How did she know? Of course Phil gave her the details when he dropped it of a few hours ago.

Chris being Chris once again, he asked Phil not to say anything to her. She smiled to herself wishing that he only knew. Phil hide nothing from her and that's why she loved him like a brother. He was her brother if not by blood, then by heart.

"You really can't wipe that smile of your face, right?" Kyle asked coming closer to her.

May smiled even bigger if that was possible. "I just remembered something Phil told me about Chris." She said looking at Kyle.

Kyle saw one of her people walk to a table and just when she was about to put a vessel of flower on it she called onto him to stop him. "Mmh," she turned her attention back to May. "You and Chris."

"Hey, why did you chose white roses?" May asked after seeing the young man with the vessel walk away. "My husband loves lilies."

Kyle laughed, "I can see yours trying to run away from the Chris topic." Kyle looked where May was looking. "And I chose white roses because they happened to be your favorite."

"I'm not," her gaze locked with Kyle's. "And how did you know they're my favorite flowers?"

Kyle didn't even blink her eyes. "I know a lot about you." She thought for a while before saying. "Plus Chris helped."

"Of course he did." She said disappointed. Chris knew a whole lot about her when she knew nothing about him. He really was something.

And when she tried to know something about him, he never gave her the time of the day. It's like he was running away from her. Scratch that, Chris had been running away from her for as long as she could remember. Who does that anyway. One moment you tell a woman that you love her and the next you're playing hide and seek on her. It was frustrating but what was she to do?

After all he was Chris freaking Rollins. The guy. The Mr. Famous. The every girls dream including her.

Wait, what?

She didn't mean that. She wasn't in love with Chris, right? She just liked him. She just wanted to know what happened between them. In their relationship. That's all there was to it. Nothing more and nothing less.

"So, are you crushing on Chris?" Kyle asked when she realized May wasn't going to say anything more.

May looked at her good friend and laughed. But why was she laughed when she was supposed to answer that question directly. It was simple right. It was just saying no and a capital no for that matter. But why was her heart beating faster ever since the incident in the bathroom. In his car a month ago. That was the closest she had been to him for the past one month.

As for their meeting, he was always keeping distance and for some strange reason she didn't like it. She wanted him to pay attention to her. To forget that she was married.

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