chapter 24

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Chris couldn't believe everything that was going on. No, scratch that, everything that has taken place in less than an hour. It's funny how things can change in one second. Like you can be laughing one second and really happy but in the next you're all tears and in pain. It's how life worked. It's how it did in his life. But he never thought that so much time would pass before this day came. The moment that he was at that time.

And to be honest, he didn't want to change anything. Nothing at all. He was as serious as to go on and say he would change nothing that ever happened in his life. Good or bad, he didn't care as long as it brought him back home. Yes, home.

He was finally there. He was home at last after six good years and he didn't want to lose it. Don't they say East or West home is the best? Then why else would he ever want to be in any other place but there. He would rather be nowhere else at all.

Chris pulled Maya closes to him and deepen the kiss. She hadn't kissed him back yet and still she hadn't pushed him back and there was no way in hell he was going to let her go. Not when she hadn't fought him back yet and deep deep down, he prayed she wouldn't. Not after six years of him praying. Of him asking for impossible and yet, God had listened to his prayers. He had given him another chance. Chance that no one would ever get but he got it. After a long wait he finally got it. And he wasn't about to let it go.

Chris felt Maya gasp when he bit her bottom lip and he took that time to slip his tongue inside her mouth. She felt like heaven. Sweet as he could remember and more for that matter and all he could do was keep on kissing her. He didn't care about breathing. He could die in her arms which would mean he died a happy man.

He rolled his tongue with hers which still wasn't moving and for a second he thought of pulling away. Not because he was giving up or anything, but he still respected her. If she didn't kiss him back when he did, it meant she wasn't about to do it. Not when she still thought that he was a monster that he had been when they had met.

So he began to pull away from her but something surprised him before he withdraw completely. Maya held his shirt firmly and pulled him right back. She kissed him with a passion that he had never felt in her before. Not when she was Maya Freeman or Rollins. This was May Reigns and damn, she had passion in her.

But that's not what surprised Chris more, it's the way she held onto him. Like she remembered something. Like she had been craving for him all her life and for that Chris smirked in between their kiss. He missed this. He missed his Maya. The dominant Maya who wasn't seen so easy but it seemed that was who she was now.

Their tongues rolled together. His hands moved from the back of her neck where he had been holding her to stay still to her waist. He wanted to move lower but maybe it wasn't that time yet. To his shock, his hands weren't the only ones that moved, but Maya's too. The let go of his shirt and moved to his head. They messed with his well comped hair but he didn't care about it. For all he cared, she could shave it like Delilah did with Samson's and he would still not care.

As the Maya dominated him, Chris realized one thing at that very moment. He was in love with Maya all over again. Yes, he had fallen in love with her all over in a second...

Chris stabbed back before balancing himself. Before he could learned what was happening, Maya had put distance from them and turned around. She began to Pace from one corner to another. He was now confused by her behavior. They had something good going on. Something magical and now she looked like she could kill him. She hadn't looked him yet but the way he was shoved was enough to tell him that she could murder him any time soon.

"I hate you." She turned to look at him. "I freaking hate you, Chris Rollins." Her eyes held fury as she said this and in a stranger way Chris understood why she said all that. He would do the same thing if he was in her shoes.

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