chapter 38

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Chris walked to his son's room and the boy dared not to glance his way. He knew that he was the one who walked in but his stubborn self couldn't allow him to spare his own father a glance. He really was as stubborn as his mother.

No, not Kimberly but Maya. To him, Maya was the really mother of Prince even though she never held him in her hands. Even though she had another family that she was really happy with. Chris shook his head and walked farther inside the room. Prince was playing with his captain America as if Chris hadn't approached him.

"Still mad at me, I see." Chris sat next to his son on the bed. "Can we talk now?"

Prince pulled away when Chris placed his hand on the shoulder and turned further away towards the wall. Chris didn't understand the boy. He had given him over two hours to calm himself down but still the boy refused to talk to him.

"Prince, I'm sorry."

"You're not." He said sounding hurt. "You promised that we'll stay at my friends over the weekend."

Chris rubbed his face with his palms. He really had promised the boy that and yet he failed to keep the promise. But how could he keep his son's promise when Maya had hurt him the way she did. He loved her but it's like her heart doesn't remember him at all. It's like it belonged to Leonel.

Speaking of Leonel, he really wanted to hurt that guy in the worst way ever and that was only  the way he had planned on doing it. If Maya didn't want him, he wasn't about to let her be happy with Leonel. Not when his heart was breaking every minute he thought of her. Let her hate him for what was to come but he was having his revenge.

Call him monster or whatever you might but he was after Leonel Reigns Ambrose.

"I know and I'm sorry." He turned the boy to look at him. "I really I'm Prince."

"If you're take me back then." Prince looked at his dad with pleading eyes. "You can come back once you drop me."

Chris wiped away a tear that fell on his son's cheek. He hated seeing his son that way. It hurt more than any heart break.

"Prince, please trust me in this," again he wiped away the tears. "I'll take you next weekend."

Prince pulled away from his father and looked away from him. "Are you mad at uncle Leo because he kept mamma from us?"

Chris looked shocked at his son's word. They had gone over this since the day Prince learned that Maya was alive. But Chris kept on assuring him that she was just a look a like and not his mamma. But now that the boy asked the question, he was sure that from the start the kid saw Maya has his mother as much as she was Gabriel's and Gabriella's mother.

"I know that she is mamma," he went on. "And I know that she doesn't remember me nor you," Prince turned to look at Chris, "I also know that she still loves you daddy."

Chris got up from the bed, "It's true all that you said but you're wrong on one thing. Mamma doesn't love me anymore."

"That's not true daddy," Prince walked to his father. "If she doesn't love you, then why was she in your room this morning and why did she hide on the other side of the bed on the cold floor?"

Chris looked shocked at his sons word. He would have sworn that Prince hadn't seen Maya at all. When the boy called him this morning, Maya was on top of him and she threw her on the other side and pulled the blankets over her. But Maya had other places as she slide out of the bed and laid on the cold floor.

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