chapter 29

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Dedicated to soliyanatesfalem0304

May finished applying her red lipstick before she fully glanced herself in the full length mirror. She looked beautiful and it made her feel confident in a way. She wore a white dress that fit her perfectly which flowed down to the floor. It was long but beautiful. Her hair wasn't left behind as she had gone to a saloon hours early and they really had done good job with it. She liked her looks very much.

Once satisfied with what she saw in the vanity mirror, she took a picture and send it to her best friend who waisted no time in replying. According to her, she was dressed to kill and May just send laughing emoji before walking to the shoe rack and pulling out red heels.

"You look breath taking," May felt her husband come from behind her and sniff in her scent. "And you smell heavenly."

May felt her stomach churn as Reigns began to kiss her neck. She leaned her head sideways to give him more access.

"Can you not go?" He asked sucking a certain place on her  neck which she was sure would leave a mark on her. "We can watch movies and I can take this dress of myself by the end of the night." Again, he went back to sucking that same place.

May wanted to do exactly that. She didn't want to go to public. She didn't want cameras flashing picture of her and thinking that she was Maya. She wasn't ready for that but what other choice did she have? It was for her family. For the future of her own kids. And it was what she owned her best friend. So, she had to do it. Face the world as May Reigns although they wouldn't understand her and not Maya Rollins. They would come to learn the truth one day. But for now, she had to smile for the camera and any polite person she would meet there.

May pulled away from her husband and turned to look at him. "I could stay in one condition." She held his face as he raised his eyebrow as if to ask what the condition was and she answered him. "We could make the baby that I've been wanting since long."

May watched her husband pull away from her and her hands fall on her side. He had never agreed to her wanting another kid till date and she hated him for that. He was so reluctant about their family growing. It's like he didn't want a large number of kids when she did. She didn't want two kids, neither did she want three. She wanted a football team and yes, she knew the pain she had to endure but that wasn't going to stop her from proclaim. Isn't that what God wants from human?

"I thought we already agreed on this." Reigns turned away from her. "We can't have a plus one now, sunshine."

"And you think I don't know that?" She had to breath. She wasn't supposed to get mad at him. She just wanted him not to hold her back and make her late for the event. But the topic always brings the worse in her. "Don't you keep reminding me that every time I bring this up?"

Reigns once again turned to look at her. He held her cheeks, "can we not fight over this anymore?"

Frustrated and defeated, she shrugged her shoulders and said fine before he began to peck her face. Soon their lips were fighting for dominance but she didn't let the kiss go any deeper. They wouldn't stop when it started and her vehicle would be there any moment from then.

"Reigns, I need to go." She said pulling away from him. "Look what you have done," she said wiping away her lipstick from his lips. "Now I've to apply another lipstick again." She walked back to the vanity mirror and as she did, she made a mental reminder of getting a lipstick that didn't smear ever where.

Reigns just smiled and watched her through the reflection of the mirror without a word. She loved her husband so much and right at the moment she wanted to give in to him. He looked so adorable and he looked like he was ready to make another baby with her. If only he could just say the word. But he never did anyway. And that's why she took her red purse and walked out of the room as he followed behind.

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