chapter 8

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Dedicated @CarlaEve6

"I think she will like this one." May said picking up a pink bracelet and handed it over to her customer to check it out.

For the past five minutes she had watched the man look through the store and debate on what to pick and she thought it would be best to help. The store was getting more customers by each passing day hence needed an extra person to help her. She wasn't complaining at all. In fact she was very happy that people were accepting her products.

It's how they started in Kenya. And now her company was opening another branch over there and she couldn't be anymore happier. According to her best friend who was in charge of the business over there, they were hiring more people to help with creating the collection. Of course, qualified people.

As for May, she was now asking help from Rafael when he had no classes and the kids were still in school. The kid was good and May couldn't help but be proud of herself for choosing him over all the applications.

May watched the man examine the bracelet for a while as she moved her gaze to other customers around. Rafael was at the cashier with other customers who where making a line waiting for there turn. She moved her gaze back to the man and he was still debating on whether to take it or not.

"I've twins." She said as a proud mother she was. "My daughter hates pink but I still get her things in pink." She remembered the Barbie doll she got for Gabriella few weeks ago.

The man looked at her. "Why do you still do it?"

May had known that he would ask that question. According to him, it was his daughters birthday soon and she was turning to be a teenager. What she gathered from him was that the daughter hated pink and he needed to get her something special. Something unique. Something that even at her old age, she would remember him for that.

"Because she has to keep it in mind that I know what's best for her." She explained the question asked by her customer. "She has to know that I had pure thoughts while getting it for her, and at the end of the day, she'll appreciate it."

"And you're sure that she'll like this?" He asked raining the bracelet to her. "You know teenagers."

"I'm sure, ask me why?" And he did. "Because it's unique and special. No one else will get her a pink gift because they know she hates it."

Her customer agreed with her and took the bracelet. It wasn't the colour that made May chose that gift for him. It was it's beautiful and she sure as hell the kid would never say no to it. May smiled at him and she moved to the next customer. That's how it always was.

Rafael at the counter when he was around and her locating the customer who needs help which she was always grateful for when she was able to help. Things went on that way till lunch time. After the lunch break, May let Rafael use the back store for his CAT review.

After two hours of Rafael being at the back, he came up carrying his book and looking a mess. May had just finished thanking her customer.

"You look bad Raf," She said moving to join him on the couch. "what's troubling you?"

"There is a question that I can't seem to get an answer here." Rafael answered looking at his book. "And I'm afraid to ignore it then it's asked in my CAT exams."

May watched a customer move eyes from the bracelet side to the neckless side then ears. Seems like they needed help. But not more than Rafael needed. She could help, of course with advance.

"Let's hear the question Mr. White." She said looking back at Rafael.

"Very funny Mrs. Reigns." Rafael said laughing.

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