chapter 47

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"We're so glad that you could join us today Mrs. Rollins." The presenter of the show said as she smiled at Maya.

Of course Maya had no other choice but to be there. After all, the whole world had come to learn about her being alive. And everyone wanted to know the whole story. They wanted to know what had happened and how come she hadn't gone back home if she had survive all those years ago.

At first Maya had declined their invites. She didn't want to face the world. She wasn't ready for that. To tell her story and expose her kids to the world. She had been healing first. Her and her family and that's what mattered to her. That's all she needed for the time being.

And to be honest, she had done the best thing. Because months later, she was much better. She wasn't the Maya that was abused by her father years ago. And neither was she that naive woman who had believe in Leonel for years without doubting him. She was different.

She was stronger than anyone. Stronger than before. To her all that mattered at the time was her happiness first before anyone else. And she was happy. Happy that for ones in her life she was learning how to be selfish. To put herself first before anyone else.

Of course apart from her own kids. And by her own kids, that included Prince. He was part of her and he would be till the end. He was her son and she was his mother despite what the world thought. So before herself, she had to put her kids. After all she was their mother. And a mother is selfless when it comes to her Cubs.

Maya felt like thanking the heavens at that moment. To her, she had no idea of what it felt like to grow up with mother's love. After all, she hadn't seen hers. She hadn't heard her say that she loved her. She never got a chance to know it is to be asked how her day was by her mother, but in a way she had become the best mother. Yes, she could say that because she made sure of it.

Made sure that she told Prince that she loved him every time he was around, because in a way, he was no different to her. After all, his father brought him up for the past few years. He even thought that his mother was dead because that's what Kimberly wanted. She punished herself at the same time her own kid.

At least Prince didn't deserve to grow up thinking his mother was dead. He didn't deserve to be told that in his young age. But she did and in a way Kimberly was selfish even to her own kid. No child deserved to grow up without a mother. None...

"Thanks for having me." Maya shook her head to clear it. She didn't want to start crying in front of the world.

The presenter's smile never went away. "Welcome everyone that is watching from home to Life is Treasure I'm your host Emmy and joining us to day is Maya Rollins." She had turned to look at the camera but once she said Maya's name she turned to look at Maya. "Once again, welcome to Life is Treasure show."

Maya smiled at Emmy and looked at the audience in the show. This was the best show in the country that featured reality and Maya had declined their offer more than ones. And now that she was there, in front of the world, she had no idea of what to say. She had prepared for every single question that she would be asked. But at that moment she felt like she wasn't ready at all.

"So, the world thought you're dead, but here you're before us." Emmy began not breaking eye contact with her. "Can you tell us how that is possible when no one survived in that bombing?"

And so Maya explained to them what happened and how she escaped death that day, but not completely. She told them about her amnesia and waking up in a different country. She answered every question asked including Chris cheating on her with another woman. Of course, she knew that would be brought up because it was the reason she was arrested in the first place.

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