chapter 21

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May sat on her seat as she took a spoonful of her vanilla ice cream. She didn't know how Mr. Freeman knew it was her favourite dessert but he still did. In fact he had been the one to place orders of their food the moment they settled in the restaurant and in all honesty,he had chosen her favorite dishes. And here she still was wondering how but still afraid to voice out her concern.

She looked at him and his gaze were already on hers. No, that wasn't it, his eyes were looking at her since they sat down. It's like he was afraid of finding out that she wasn't there. He dare not to even blink each time she locked gaze with him. And all she could do was smile and avoid his eyes. Those eyes.

May didn't know why but since she met them at the store, they made her feel things. Things that she hadn't felt since she lost her memory. Not even when she woke up from the comatose to find out that she was married and had suffered amnesia. She felt like she could trust him. Trust him with her life blindly. Without even questions asked and for some reasons that's scared her.

She looked deeper into his eyes this time and she saw a lot of emotion but there was one that was out standing the rest. Joy. He was happy and she was sure it's because maybe she looked like his sister. It's like he was hoping that she was his sister and May did too. Why not? The guy had shown nothing but kindness to her since they met an hour ago.

He seemed like that loving brother. The one who would give up his entire world just for the sake of his siblings. And that's why she felt pure love for him. That's why she was there, enjoying the none exchanging words with him but little smiles. Real smiles from his soul.

Wait, you can now even see his soul?

May shock her head. She didn't need to think too much at all. All she had to do was ask and wait patiently for the answers or, she would just listen as Mr. Freeman spoke. It was that easy, right?

She took another spoonful of her ice cream and let the thing melt in her mouth before she asked, "How did you know that everything you order was my favourite?" Her gaze were still on his.

"I didn't," he answered honestly. "But it was my sister's. Mostly the vanilla part."

May watched as he placed his spoon down. He had traveled down the memories of his sister.

"This was her favourite dessert?" She asked trying to pull him away from those memories.

She once again watched him smile at her. "It was and trust me when I tell you that she would kill for it." He then seemed to remember something."But only few people knew about it. Actually it's me and her best friend." He stared at something on the table as if he was fighting the memories. Memories. It's what they were to him.

May didn't know what to say to him but reach out for his hand and squeeze it. It was an assures to him but to what? She herself had no idea. After a moment of silence, she went back to eating her ice cream. She had known one thing about Prince's mother. She loved same food as her. At least she knew that Prince would love something from her favourite dish too.

"You know, I met Prince." She hadn't plan to tell him that. But there was something about him that made her want to tell him all her secrets. "He is a nice kid."

He still had to register what she had said and she did give him a minute to do that. It's like he couldn't believe that she knew his nephew. Small world, she had thought as he finally looked composed once again.

"How, I mean, he would have told me if he really saw you."

"Him and my twins are friends." She tried to explain to him. "And he already knows that I'm not his mamma."

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