chapter 7

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Dedicated to @Kee_lab

"And how does that make you feel?"

"Like the bad guy." Reigns said trying to get comfortable on the leather fainted couch.

Today was one of those many sessions he had for the past six years. Every week he had to come to this small office which he thought would bring him a sense of belonging. A sense of believing that whatever he did was the best. But sometimes nothing worked.

Despite all the therapy that he had done. Despite all the sessions for years, he still felt like it was the same sometimes.

Reigns watched as the psychologist scrubbed down some notes and he sometimes wished he knew what she was scrubbing down. He needed to know if at all it was worth his time. His breath. His frustration. But she was there to help him feel better.

"Have you ever thought of telling her yourself?"

Reigns looked at anything but her as he thought of his answer. "I did." He confessed. "I've since the day she wake up."

"I know I've asked you this more than ones since we began this session but I've to keep asking." She was trying to be as polite as they always are. "What stops you from telling the truth."

Reigns thought of that question as she said, it wasn't the first time. And the way he saw it, she didn't like the answer that he always gives her. It's like she wanted him to admit the truth to himself and not her. Maybe it was time he healed himself. Maybe it was about time he let the healing take over.

Then, what stopped him from telling his wife the truth? There were so many things that were stopping him but he had only two main once. The most important ones that he was ready to kill for them. Yes, he would go through hell before he did the right thing in the eyes of the others. And that is to tell his wife the truth.

Reigns rubbed his hands together. "Because we've kids together." He confessed his main reason. "And I love her more than life itself."

He was honest. To himself and his psychologist. Again she scrubbed down on the note book before she looked at him. She was tapping her pen on the note book and looked at him straight in the eye.

"Then why do you feel like the bad guy?"

Again with the question. It was a good question for that matter. Very good one. Why did he feel like the bad guy? His family loved him. They adored him. They respected him. Then why? Why was he always feeling that? Why wasn't he completely happy when he really should be?

Reigns took in a deep breath and rubbed his hands together once again. It was an habit that wasn't easy to get rid of when he was nervous.

"Because I built a family out of a lie." He felt frustrated just thinking of it. "My kids are growing up in a one big lie. My wife loves me because of one simple lie. And every time she asks about her past, I look her in the eye and lie to her." Reigns wanted to smash something. Anything. "Don't you think I've a right to feel like the bad guy here. Despite my love for my family, in the eyes of everyone out there, I'm the bad guy. God, I even feel that myself."

The psychologist stared at him as he got up and began to walk around. She saw the worry on his face. To be honest, she didn't want him to go back to who he was before. Who he was when he went to visit her for the first time. She still remembered him. The man that walked to her small office that fateful day, isn't the same one that is walking around right now.

They were different people. Totally different and she didn't want to loose him to that man again. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to love and be loved back. That she knew was much true. She knew she needed him as this man for the sake of those around him. His family. She sure as hell was going to save him. No matter what it takes.

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