Sins Of The Past

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The moment he stepped out of their door and turned to look it for the last time, he promised himself one thing. Still in those tears that crowded his eyes, that he would be back. But this time not to beg them like he did a few minutes ago, he would go back to take revenge.

And that's what he craved for for years. He longed for the day that he would come face to face with his own father. The man who gave him away as if he never loved him. Maybe he didn't. And his mother. Wait, she wasn't his mother. She was his step mother. That's why she was immune to his tears that day.

But now, she better be immune to his wrath. Hell is about to break loose and he will make sure he drags the two people he hates the most in the world with him. And maybe whoever comes in his way.

No one can stop him now. Revenge has never been sweeter...


I hate myself that I'm doing this. I thought I was done with Maya and Chris for good but I think I was wrong.

And all this blame goes to fpydydypdydd. You put this idea in me when you asked if I was going to write Prince's story and now it won't go away.

I already wrote prologue so stay on the look for it. Coz it's coming out soon. Before night or day depending on what time it is in your country.

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