chapter 30

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Dedicated to zindagi22

"Blessed Saturday everyone, hope you all had a great week. I'm so happy that it's finally time for happy hour and I'm sure you all having fun so far." The host of Happy Hour began looking so confident and sure that he had a lot of audience listen to him. "Now, going back to the reason why I'm here today. As always, it's to make your weekend more fun with Happy Hour. So before we go any further, let's listen to this so and when we come back, I'll introduce you to my guest today and I'm sure you don't want to miss the guest. Remember, it's Happy Hour babyyyyy."

The song began to play and the host of Happy Hour turned to his manager to ask about their guest. He was sure that the listeners would love it and to even think he was the first person to actually get an interview with, that would add his show more listeners. After all, this was business and in business competition was needed. The music played as he talked to his manager and in less than two minutes his guest was ashered in and set.

Once the song was over, the presenter welcomed back his listeners with a smile planted on his face. This was big and his show would surely be a real happy hour once he introduced his guest to those who were listening. And by the end of it all, it will be hashtag his guest everywhere.

"Welcome back my lovely listener to the good show as always, Happy Hour. As promised, my guest is in studio and I'm sure you all are dying to know who it is. Can I get drum rolls please?" He joked to no one in particular but to his surprise, his guest hit the top of a table. "Thank you for that,"  he thanked while fixing his head set. "And now, please welcome, the one,  the GOAT, Chris freaking Rollins." He shouted as he said Chris' name.

Chris smiled at the host and laughed through the microphone for people to hear him. A week ago, he hadn't thought that he would be in such a high demand like he was right now and it's like people began to remember him. Even his wife did and for that same reason had brought him to this radio station. A most listened show in the country and according to his manager, this would boost him more.

Don't get him wrong, he has done this so many times. So many that he began to refuse to do it once he couldn't handle it all. And if he was being honest, he had never done an interview since Maya died. So, this and the reason he was there was a surprise to everyone in the world. Hence why he was in demand.

"I'm so honoured to have you here." The host confessed while looking at Chris as if he would disappear at any given moment.

Chris smiled back at the young man. "And I'm honoured to be actually here." Chris moved his seat a little bit closer so that he didn't strain while talking. "It's been quite a while."

The host laughed at Chris' statement which was made in a humour way. "Yeah, it's been quite a while. How man years?"

"Six years," Chris answered honestly.

The host gave Chris a sympathy look understand that it had been six years since his wife died. Before he saw Maya again, he hated seeing that look in people wherever they talked to him about his wife. He was so tired of it that he preferred not to talk about her with anyway apart from his best friend, son and Kyle. At least they didn't give him that look.

"Chris, let's talk about the reason you're hear," he had read Chris so well and he couldn't be any happier when the host moved to the reason he was there, Maya might be alive but she wasn't with him. That still hurt. "You've a new album."

It was more of a statement than an answer but Chris still answered. "Yes, I do." And in a strange way, those words took him to seven years back. He didn't want to remember that day. Not while he was being in a radio station.

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