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Dedicated to yu_tanit

May placed the last box in the leaving room and looked around. She had been packing for the past one week and to be honest, it was tiresome. She smiled as she pulled her phone from the back of her pants and composed a small text message to her husband.

She couldn't believe that they were finally moving back to their country. Another continent with different people and different cultures. She would miss this country very much. She would miss the people and everything they represent. They taught her allot and she would carry that with her as she left.

May walked to the kitchen and looked around. This whole house had memories of almost six years. If it was up to her, she would prefer to stay here forever and never let anything make her move. But she had to do it for her husband, after all, that's what wives should do, right?

For the past five years and eight months, it had been her husband who sacrificed. It was him who flied all the way to them every month. It was him who made time for his family despite his work schedule. He sacrificed for them. He did so much for them and it was about time she did something for him in return. It was about time she showed him how much she was willing to do sacrifice for him.

"Momma momma!" that angelic sound pulled him out of her thoughts.

She walked out of the kitchen and there stood her son looking around. He was searching for her. May looked at her son and her smile widened on her face. He was her strength and she would do anything to protect him. She would even kill for his sake.

May remember the first time she held him on her hands. Those tiny fingers of his held her in a protective way and she knew it. She knew that her son would do anything to protect her and her the same.

"What's up Gab?" She asked once she was behind him.

Her son turned around and looked at her with those green eyes of his. If hers were green, then they were no near her son's. They brought out a beauty that she was sure in future would be a real problem.

"Are we really moving?" He asked.

May saw the look in her son's eyes. He wasn't happy with the news from the moment he heard them. And that was two months ago. He wanted to stay here. Where he was born and brought up. And she felt for him. Gabriel knew this country only. He knew this people only and she felt his pain.

It's not like they where moving to another town or county. They were moving to another continent. And she understood him. Hell, she knew no other life apart from this. She did try to understand both sides. Her husband's and her kids side.

May knelt before her son, "Don't you want to be near your Daddy, Gab?"

"I do, momma but all my friends are here." She gave him two seconds before he could break. "All my friends are here."

"But we already talked about this love." She wiped a lone tear from his cheek. "Remember what dad said?"

"Ye... s momma."

"I promise I'll make sure he keeps his promise to you two. Okay?"

"I guess so."

May pulled her son and kissed his forehead. She moved on to hug him tightly making sure to rub his back so as to come him down.

"Now where is your sister?" May asked after a few seconds had passed. "We have an hour before we leave."

"Are the movers here?" Gabriel asked looking around. The furniture had been covered up.

Remember Me (sequel of Shouldn't Have Kissed You) Where stories live. Discover now