chapter 23

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Dedicated to uyandaaa

May looked at the man that froze on his feet when she asked him to to take a step towards her. No, it wasn't a request, she had shouted at him and he had obeyed making her wonder when he began to listen to people. She shook her head not wanting to think about those memories. The painful memories that had made her badged head to hurt even more.

It was too much for her but what was she to do. She remembered and the bad things for that matter. Things that she was sure even before she had amnesia she wanted that part of her gone but it wasn't gone. It came back to her six years laster. She remembered a part of which was more worse than she had hoped for.

She thought her life was perfect as her husband had described to her. But how stupid she was to believe him. There is no perfect life in this life. None. Whether rich or poor you all have problems from where you're. But there are things that we allow that make our life's imperfect. Our life's useless and pathetic and she had done that. With him. The man that stood before all confused and everything.

May moved her guess around trying to fight whatever it was that she was feeling. She didn't want to feel anything for this man but she did. She felt hate. Hate that was driving her to think of bad things. Things that in her past six years she hadn't thought that she would ever be capable of thinking.

"Maya, what's wrong?" He was so innocent asking that question to her.

It's like he had never done anything to her. Like those years back never existed. She looked at him before moving her gaze away from him. It was too much. For her and it was killing her.

May let her legs move her towards the door. She needed the fresh air since she wasn't breathing at all. She knew that Rafael will be okay in the store. He would for see everything and besides,she didn't want to break down in front of strangers. Once she was out, May breathed in fresh air and she felt a tear slide down her cheek. She was so weak and she hated herself for it. She should have confronted him. Told him of and sho no sign of weakness but she didn't.

Instead she walked away from him. She didn't stand up for herself like before. Like those years of his abuse. Wait, she even didn't know how long she dared him. How long she let him walk all over her. How long she let his hands hurt her. His words break her day by day. How long it was that she was physically, mentally and emotionally hurt by him. How long did he walk all over her?

May rubbed her face with her palm and let her tears flow even more. She let her mind move back to two days ago. When she had seen death with her own eyes. When she had tried everything she could to save herself just for the sake of her family. The family that was waiting for her at home. And that's what made her to divert her car out of the road. And when it threatened to roll over due to the strength she used, she fought even harder to balance it and she did. And that's how she had lost consciousness.

May had woken up in the hospital as she tried to catch her gasp. She wasn't breathing because of the memories. They were horrible. The had her hold the covers and trying to remind herself how to breath. How to take in her breath and out.

"It's okay love." Her husband had whispered to her ear trying to calm her down. "You're save. Just breath in and out." And she did as he had asked her. "That's good, you're doing okay, love."

But may knew she wasn't doing okay. She wasn't ever going to be okay after remembering what she had remembered. It was never going to be the same ever again. May had let him rub her back and she had calm down. She didn't know how but with Reigns rubbing her back she fell asleep ones again. And in that time she was so desperate to remember everything. To remember how she met her husband.

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