chapter 20

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Dedicated to Kee_lab

Chris looked at his wrist watch as he finished to sign up some documents. He still had ten minutes before his dinner meeting began and he couldn't help but look through the window. The city was busy with everyone trying to get somewhere. Talking of somewhere, where was he himself?

He wasn't anywhere in this world. In fact he couldn't even recognize himself at all. It's like he never moved on. He never took a step ahead for the past six years. And thinking about it had figuring out what he wanted in life. It seemed that he had been doing that a lot lately. He needed to find himself before he even found his dead wife who wasn't so dead at all.

Chris took his phone from the table and dilated his son's number. He wanted to talk to him before he went into that meeting. It didn't even take long for Prince to answer the call. The talked about homework which he had done and left the books on the study table for Chris to check them once he got back from work.

That was always the way it worked. If Chris wasn't able to pick up his son and help him with his homework, Prince did it and left it on the table. All Chris had to do was walk in, check it out and put the books in the backpack. But that never applied on Fridays. Fridays were his day and Prince's. He never let anything come in between the two of them on that day. Except fee weeks ago he did. He let his misjudge come between him and Prince. The only sane thing that had him leaving all this years.

Chris listened to his son tell him how his grandma help him with the bath and they're now making dinner. Yes, his mother refused to leave the house until Maya was found. She was sharing bed with Alma but the two women didn't mind. According to her, she had to make sure that he didn't make a mistake like he did with Leonel.

Leonel. He still regretted what he did to him. He had accused him falsely without any prove. He called him all sorts of names, and for what? And what didn't he get in return? A friend that was hurt. Someone that wanted to be there friend without wanting anything back. That's even how Chris realized how Leonel had been the one giving without taking. Or asking for anything in return.

They had failed him. They failed him as a human being and as friend if at all they even called him that. Kyle had returned that Saturday and she found everything a mess. Chris was a mess but no one told her about Maya. Not when she was busy with finding Leonel. No, not her alone. Even Chris and Wesley were but it seemed like he had been swallowed by the world. It's just as he had promised, they would never see him again.

And the funny thing was that no one had any idea of where he stayed. Like he said, none of them ever bothered and Leonel leaving his phone behind hadn't help at all. So now, his so comfortable house wasn't so comfortable with his mother around. Don't get him wrong, his mother was his life but at times, she was impossible. She was always up to something just like before. Like when he bought him and Maya tickets to go Kenya for their honeymoon.

That's what he feared when that woman was around. And one of the many reasons that he moved to that small apartment leaving his mansion behind. But the main reason was to escape Maya's ghost in that mansion. She was in every corner of that house and he needed to avoid that. Seeing her and feeling her. But it seemed the ghost never wanted to be forgotten.

Now, for the past few weeks he had tried to compose himself. To find the man that he was before he lost his wife. He wanted that man before he found her. She needed to see him as the Chris she could remember and not the new Chris. Or was he more of the old one. The one that Maya met?

The Chris that threw insults on people because he was Chris freaking Rollins? The one who jumped in conclusion before he even got to hear the other side of the story? He was pretty much that man. The one who cared nothing about other people's feelings other than his.

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