chapter 43

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Dedicated to FaithLove1831

"How long?" Maya turned to her left to see an older woman looking at her.

She had been in the cells for three days and yet she hadn't talked to anyone since she walked in. It wasn't like they're in a movie or series where a new comer walks in and is bullied and that they show in their show. She smiled at the woman who was talking to her even though she knew it didn't reach her eyes.

How could it? She had sacrificed herself as if she was Jesus. She knew how long she was going to be in there when it all came to an end and she still insisted that she was the one who had done hit and run. But what other choice did she have, none. Chris' kid deserved to be brought up in an health environment and by both parents so she had to do it. No matter how her heart wanted to be with Chris, to comfort him and tell him how everything will be okay. She had to do it for the baby of not anyone else.

It was just going to be some years then she will be out before she knows it and her life will be all better...

"You haven't said a word to anyone since you came her." The elder lady spoke again drawing Maya from her thoughts. "This isn't your comfort, right?"

Maya again smiled at the woman as of the answer came from that innocent smile of hers. But was it innocent? Because if it was, then the police would have been able to tell that she wasn't the one who did hit and run. But then again, how would they've known when the hospital she worked for hadn't known her that well. Instead after getting the news, they send their HR the following day to tell her she wasn't needed anymore in their institution.

Yeah, they had just fired her and that was the following day after her arrest. They even hadn't heard her side of the story. They hadn't even given her that chance to explain herself. After her years of her hard work. Years of her thriving to be who she was and yet they tossed her aside when the storm came. Of course she had cried. Who wouldn't anyway? It was her passion. The only thing that proved to her dad that she was his blood. That she could be better like him. No, not better but the best.

But she hadn't told anyone yet. Not even Kyle who kept on asking her what was wrong with her. Why she would sacrifice herself for the sake of the woman who had showed her no mercy in this life.

"Again, how long?" Maya followed the woman eyes where they were on her belly.

That's when she lifted her hand from it and looked at the ring that Chris had given her. No, he hadn't given it to her, he had proposed to her and she had said yes. Yes to starting a new life with him. Yes to walking down the hail for the second time and this time as a happy soon to be bride. Yes to spending the rest of her life with him. And yet, there she was, in a police station waiting to be told her sentence.

"Few weeks," she answered while playing with the ring.

"And you killed him." The woman said as a matter of fact. "This is my second time to walk in this cells myself, and this offence is no bigger than the last one..."

"No, I didn't kill him." Maya cut her short to trying to explain herself. "My husband is still alive." She assured the woman not believing she thought Maya killed her husband.

"Husband?" The lady was now confused. "You got engaged to another man when you're still married? Kids of this days." She said shaking her head.

Maya wanted to laugh at that, to her the woman was thinking too much into her words. "No, I got engaged to my husband once again." She was all smiles when she said that as if remembering that day as if it was yesterday.

"Ooh!" The elder lady exclaimed as she turned to look around. "So what are you doing in this place?"

"Hit and run." Maya said with a confidence that she didn't even know that she had it.

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