chapter 39

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Dedicated to TiaStyles3

"We've been over this for so long Reigns."

Reigns looked at his psychiatrist for the tenth time and he really wanted to scream at her. It's true that they had gone over it for so many times but he needed someone to make him feel better. To assure him that what he did was okay. Yes, it was a mistake but he is only human but it seems like even she had heard enough of him.

It's like she was tired of the same damn story. Of his fears. His what ifs and most of all, his regrets if not anything else. He rubbed his eyes and moved from the window that he had been standing since he walked in. It had been his favorite place just as Maya had been his favorite person but not for that long. She was going to hate him and he felt it would be very soon.

Soon as he could feel his heart beats beat. He walked back to the worn out leather couch and stared at his psychiatrist. He wasn't even supposed to be there. He was supposed to be watching the kids as Maya had asked him but here he was. In this small office looking for help while Rafael watched over the kids.

"They'll tell her the true," he went on despite what she had said to him. "I can feel it in my bones and she'll hate me."

Reigns watched his psychiatrist write down on her note book and for some reasons, he felt the need to take the damn notebook away from her. He had come as a friend to her not as a patient to day. Not when he really needed someone who understands him. But no, she had to make it client business.

"You already knew this would happen." She looked up to lock her gaze with his. "You had too many chances to tell her but you didn't." It's like she didn't feel sorry for him no more. "You could have this morning as you said you're about but you cowarded away."

As much as he hated to admit it, he knew it was true. He had so many chances of telling Maya what really happened and who he was but he didn't. Since day one he chose to lie to her. He chose to hide the truth from her. And hell, this morning he was about to spill the beans but again, he chose the easy way out. To be a coward rather than confess the truth. Now he had no one to blame but himself. He was ready for the consequences because he knew how Kyle got when she was mad.

Kyle might be nice and soft but when she was mad, she was someone else. And no one likes her when she is mad. And he really had made her mad by hide the truth from them. He pretended to morn with them when in real life he knew where Maya was. He laughed with Chris despite seeing how hurt the poor guy had been while he slept besides Maya every night.

What kinda a monster had he become? When did things really change? Chris was even a better person than him. He had loved Maya all through this years refusing to let her go and each time it made Leonel see the person he had become.

He was no longer the guy that Maya chose to spend time with when she was on silent treatment with Chris. He was no longer the guy that Maya run to when she was in trouble. No longer the person she trusted when she was in jail and called him. He was not that man and he hated himself for that. He really did. And the more he thought about it the more ashamed he was.

Leonel pushed his hair backward. "She will press charges when she remembers." He said as a matter of fact. "I can't survive there doc. I really can't." He rubbed his eyes and looked around. "I'm afraid of what I might do."

"You'll do nothing, Reigns." It was a warning not a statement. "You're stronger than that."

"That's not true." He got up and began to pace around with his hands on his hair. "After I was found out last night I was a reck. I just faked everything and by the end of the night I fought with Maya." He said remembering everything that had taken place the previous night. "I didn't mean to do it but I couldn't share the same bed with her. Not when Chris was under the same roof. Now when her real husband had watched us dance and laugh the whole night."

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