chapter 16

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Dedicated to lizzykhalida

May put down all the bones she had cut into the sizes that she needed aside. She had been in that room for hours that she lost count of time. She went on to listen the radio as she had been although somewhere along the way she had focused more on her work she forgot about the radio.

She got up from the floor and put away the untouched bones before taking different colors to start on the already cut bones. He job needed a lot of labour but she didn't care. She never complained in fact. To her, one has to love what they do. No matter how tiring it is. And creating jeweleries from dry bones wasn't easy. Especially when you had to do everything from zero and all by yourself.

May sat back down and took her bones. They were of different sizes and for different work too. She began with the pink paint because it was the colour her daughter hated. Call her weirdo or whatever but it was always fun when it came to her daughter. To her, no kid who hasn't even turned six and they hate colour pink. Isn't that supposed to be every girl's favorite colour?

"... Thank you for stayed turned in our number one radio station...

May now thought of paying more attention to the radio since she was done with the dangerous part of the work. Yes, it was dangerous since sharp objects were used in cutting the bones. But painting them? This was the easiest part and she could do that with closed eyes. Now it was time for the hot topics in the radio and she loved those tops. No wonder it was her favourite radio station in the morning.

Those topics help her understand people and the world in general. Before they even got to the point of saying what they're going to discuss about, she looked at her bones. They were too many but she would be done by the time Prince and his father got to her house. She had invited the kid since she had taken liking on him and also she wanted to talk to his father.

May was a concerned mum who wanted to help the poor kid. And she thought that maybe after talking to Prince's father, then she would see real happiness in that kid's face...

"No today's topic is about type of marriages. So, how many types of marriage do you know? Ooh... And no, I'm not talking about church marriage or come we stay marriage or civil marriage nor polygamy marriages. That's not it."

Now May was really confused, what the hell then were they talking about then? To her, those where the only types of marriages that she knew. You wonder what type of marriage was hers?

Her wedding was done in a church. A beautiful wedding even though she couldn't remember it. She had seen the pictures and they were beautiful. She was beautiful and her husband was handsome. But she hadn't seen her family's photo and she had asked why? And all he had told her was that they never attended her wedding.

Of course she was hurt to learn that. Who anyway would be happy to learn that their own parents never showed up on the most beautiful day of your life. The day that you'll leave your parents and your partner will do the same and together you would become one, who? Thinking of that even then hurt her very much and she wished she could remember why they never made an appearance at all.

May brushed off the thoughts and concentrated more on her bones. It hurt as much as it did when she was trying to learn about herself after waking up from that coma. And now, she had to move on from that. According to her husband she had made up with her parents before they died I that car accident. They had made up and that was what mattered at that moment. It was what she cared about.

"I'm talking about forced marriage, love marriage, friendship marriage or contract marriage. So which on is your marriage?"

May's was love marriage. She had married Reigns because she loved him. He was her life and her his, that's why she married him despite her parents objection. She loved him for whom he was. For his handsome face. His good character and also, for the kinda job he had. She loved him for that. And so very much that she would lay her life down for him. That she would even give up her happiness for him.

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