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Maya took a look at herself one last time in the mirror. She couldn't believe it. The day was finally there. Her day. No, it wasn't hers alone and she had to keep reminding herself that. It wasn't her journey alone. But that didn't matter anymore. They had made it. Finally, the made it that far and nothing was ever going to come in between them at all.


She thought as she wiped an invisible cobweb from her face. Just then, the door opened and in came running the three angel.

They hadn't stopped running around the house since morning. In fact, they seemed to be more excited than Maya, as if the day was theirs. But it also involved them too. It was their day too so they had the right to be excited as well.

"Mamma," Prince called when the stopped right in front of her. And Maya turned to look at her. "You look beautiful."

"Of course she does," Gabriel said moving forward to take his mother's hand. "After all, this was me and father." Maya saw the face the rest of the kids made. "You know I mean the white gown, right?"

"Gab, we know," Gabriella chipped in taking the other hand of her mother. "Let's not forget the jewelry that she is wearing was made by me with the held of Daddy."

Prince just laughed. He had nothing to say since he hadn't done anything to his mother. Yes, the twins had helped but not as much as they're making it sound. It's like without them nothing would have gone well at all. Which wasn't true. At least Kyle had made sure of that when it came to party planning. As for Chris, he had done just with the gown she wore but he prefered the credit to go to Gabriel.

Those two had really grown closer than before. But Maya wasn't jealous anymore. Not when she had another son around. Mummy's boy who wanted to be a brain surgeon just like his mamma. And Maya was proud of him. He did way better than the twins in school. It's like his booklet knew no B's at all. As for the twins, they even brought home a one C in their booklets and when asked, they never lacked an excuse.

Like how bad their teacher is. How had the subject is or how different their careers are from the subject they failed. See, excuse after excuse. Just like their father. At least that's what Bernice said.

So if Maya was any child in those three kids, she was Prince. Always trying to impress along side being genius and she had tried to change that. She really did Prince was Prince and she couldn't ask for a better son than him.

"My work here is to keep mamma Hydrated all the time." Prince walked to the night stand and poured her a glass of water. "Drink this mamma."

Maya let go of the twins hand and took the glass of water drinking all the content. It's true, for the past few months Prince made sure that she had taken lots of water. He truly was behaving like a true doctor.

"Can we leave the room now?"

"Let's go," they all shouted.

And off they left the room. Once they're in the sitting room, Maya looked around and she saw some familiar faces already. People had already arrived and the deco, Kyle had really done amazing job. Just the colours she needed.

She looked around to search for her but she was no where to be found. And neither was Phil. He had was among the first people to arrive at the event and he was missing along with Kyle?

Those two really never learn. Even though she had no evidence, she could bet to her last dollar that the two were together. Why? Because Wesley was busy exchanging words with his best friend. And Maya had been avoiding him since she learned about Kyle's and Phil's affair. She couldn't face him when she knew that she knew something about his girlfriend and she couldn't tell.

Remember Me (sequel of Shouldn't Have Kissed You) Where stories live. Discover now