chapter 34

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Dedicated to rebonjoki for saying the nicest thing to me today. You made me updated even when I had no plans of updating. It's a good think I sacrificed my sleep for this chapter.


It was hard. Really hard that he heard it in his bones and he was sure as hell that the fingures were imprinted on him. But that's just what he got or so he thought as another slap can rushing down on his left cheek. His hands wanted to move to his cheeks but he dared not to let them do it. He deserved it. The pain and worse, what they decided his fate would be.

In his blur vision, he saw a pointing finger pointed at him. "How could you?" Kyle asked as she raised yet another hand to hit him. "You lied to our face. How could you do this to us?"

Leonel stood there looking at his friends. Or better yet, the people who thought he was their friend. He had betrayed them in the worst way but what could he have done? He was too much of a coward to admit it to them. To tell them that Maya was alive. To say that he had her with him.

They all looked betrayed and most of all angry with him. But none of them apart from Kyle had reacted in any way. They hadn't even said a word since they walked into the study room and that was twenty minutes ago. He had to be afraid for his life, right? The could kill him at any given moment and say it was out of defense.

But that would serve him right. He had seen their pain for years and he had done nothing about it. So them plotting ways to kill him was much better than them not saying anything at all.

Twenty minutes since Chris borrowed him from Maya and everyone out there. And all he had gotten was Kyle slapping him not only once but twice and she looked like she hadn't been done with him.

"I'm really sorry for..."

"Sorry?" Kyle stopped him from going on. "Sorry for what you monster?"

He deserved that also. The name calling and everything that Kyle was going to do to him.

"For everything," he answered looking anywhere but them.

Kyle laughed at his words. They had no humor but she did find the amusing if not anything. And that's when he lifted his eyes to see if the rest found something amusing but no one was smiling let alone laugh.

Chris stood at the corner just looking at him and there was something in his eyes. Hate. Chris hated him and he made sure that his eyes reflected what he felt inside. His arms were crossed but that didn't hide the fist that were so very much tempted to take a swing on him. To knock him out but for some reasons, his self control was way too strong than his anger. Which was a good thing.

Please bring my husband back the way he is. No scratch.

Maya had said that to them when they had borrowed him from her. That's why Chris was holding back. Not for himself but for Maya. She was the reason why he stood so far away from him because if not, Leo would be blue and black at that moment. He should thank Maya later if there was later at all.

"Everything," Kyle stopped laughing and glanced at him. "Will that make up for what you did? Will that make Chris happy for all those years he thought Maya was dead?" She turned to look at Chris who looked back at her. "What about Phil? He had just come back to see his sister whom he hadn't seen for years and what? You lead him on too?" Phil was sitted on an arm chair looking down but he locked his gaze with Kyle when she mentioned him. "And me. What about me? I lost my best friend. Your best friend and you think sorry will make up for years?" She wiped away a tear that flowed down her cheek. "Years, not months or days. Sorry. Sorry." She porked his chest hard. "Maya really hates that word when it's wrongly used and now I understand why. Sorry."

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