chapter 17

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Leonel was about to ring the doorbell again when it came flying open. He had no idea why he was at Chris' house at that time but according to the text that he received from Wesley, it sounded agent. And that's why he had moved his shooting to another hour. So he hoped it would take an hour to deal with what was going on.

"Thanks for coming," Wesley said stepping aside and letting him in.

The look on Wesley's face was way too serious to know that something was up. He had never seen him this way. Not for the past seven years that he had known which, meant whatever was going on had to be this much serious.

Leonel smiled at Wesley once he had closed the door and turned to look at it. "Of course, I'd to come as soon as I got the text." Leonel said putting his hands in his pants pocket.

This will be the third time that he came to this apartment. And everytime that he did, the apartment some how seemed different from the last time. He didn't know why but each time he asked Chris, he would only smile and say that he was being delusional. Which wasn't true or maybe it was. He didn't know why but he felt that something was always different. Why? He had no idea.

Or maybe he had it. Maybe each time he walked in Chris' apartment he hoped that he would see Maya. Each time he prayed that she would come downstairs and smile at him. Tell him that she was glad that he visited them. But that never seemed to happen. It never came to that day. The first she never came downstairs. And neither did the second time.

And this third time? He had no idea if should too. That's why he hated being in Chris' apartment. Because all he hoped for was to see his cupcake. He missed her every damn second but it seemed that he will till they meet on the other side of the world. That is if he was salved by the blood of Jesus Christ. That's the only way to the other life.

Life fool of joy. No pain like the one he felt for the past six year. He would be happy there. He would sing with angels. His tears will be wiped away by the heavenly Father and he, he would sit at the foot of his feet forever and ever...

"Can I get you something?" Wesley pulled him away from his thoughts.

Leonel sat on the offered couch and kept his smile on. He did not want Wesley to see the pain inside him at all.

"A glass of cold water would be fine." He said looking around for the presences of the own but he was no where to be seen.

Had something bad happened to Chris? If yes, then what? And why was Wesley so calm when his text sounded like a matter of life or death?

Wesley walked back from the kitchen with a glass of cold water as Leonel had asked and offered it to him. Leonel thanked him before taking a sip of the drink and looked up at Wesley after placing the glass on the coffee table beside him. He was just about to ask what was wrong when he heard foot steps from the stairs.

He turned with a little bit hope as he always did but as always, it was never her who always appears. Chris walked down the stairs and behind him walked his mother. Now this had Leonel all worried. Miss Bernice never made an appearance since Maya died. He barely knew her and the time the met for the past six years was during Prince's birthday party. That's the only time he ever saw her and they barely exchanged words apart from hey and how are you and if it went any farther, it had to be how is work coming along? That's how far they knew each other.

Now he had to get worried right? He felt like he had been called into principal's office only this time he had no idea what he had done.

"Chris," he called Chris' name. Could you blame him, he had no knowledge of what was going on and he couldn't ask direct. But he didn't miss the look that Chris gave him. Was that hate he saw on someone who had become his friend for the past six years? He had to be imagining things, right?

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