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"Please welcome Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray!"

Quinn took a deep breath as Rachel grabbed her hand and led her out. The girls walked out to the sounds of applause with big smiles on their faces as they greeted the hosts and joined them at the table.

"Good morning, ladies. You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Rachel smiled. "And thank you for having us."

"Thank you for being here! We're gonna jump right in, okay?"

"Sure!" Rachel exclaimed as she gave Quinn a look.

"So, Rachel, this will be your second time on Broadway, isn't it?"

Rachel nodded. "I did Funny Girl about a year and a half ago, and now I'll be doing Wicked, which is my other dream show."

"Fanny Brice and Elphaba. Perfect. You can retire now."

"I can retire now." Rachel repeated with a laugh. "No, I'm really excited about Wicked and sharing the stage with Quinn."

"Do you think you'll do a show with your husband in the future?"

"Finn and I try to switch off who's working, so if he's doing a big movie, I take some time off, but if I'm in a show, he'll take some time off so we have time for each other." Rachel explained. "But we like working together so we always talk about that. He's more into film than the stage, but there's one musical he'll audition for, but I'm not gonna say it in case he watches this and changes his mind."

"Boooooo! Alright, Quinn! This is your Broadway debut, right?"

"I've done some off-Broadway plays and other jobs, but yes." Quinn answered with a smile. "This is my Broadway debut and my first musical."

"And are you feeling nervous or excited?"

"A little bit of both." Quinn replied, earning some laughter from the audience. "Thankfully, I have Rachel to show me the ropes. And yell at me if I do anything wrong."

"Quinn and I have been friends since high school." Rachel added. "We were in glee club together."

"Oh, so it'll be just like that. But on a bigger stage with a better budget."

"Exactly." Quinn nodded. "We're good friends, so it'll be fun to share this experience, and it'll be fun to have our mutual friends and family members in the audience together."

"This sounds like a show theater lovers won't wanna miss. When is opening night?"

"We're jumping into rehearsals now, and then we'll have previews, but opening night will be next month." Rachel answered. "We're still working out the exact date, but I'm sure all of you will know before we do."

"Absolutely. Well, break a leg to both of you, and thank you for coming on the show."

"Thank you for having us." Quinn smiled.

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