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Quinn opened her eyes and saw Beth standing by her bed.

"I can't sleep." Beth said.

Quinn climbed out of bed, carefully avoiding waking up Noah, who was sleeping peacefully beside her.

Quinn took Beth's hand and walked her back to her room.

"Why can't you sleep?" Quinn asked as she tucked Beth in again.

"I had a scary dream." Beth answered. "And now I'm afraid."

"Well, it's okay. You're safe now, I promise." Quinn told Beth as she took her hand. "Why don't you try to fall back to sleep?"

Beth shook her head.

"I'll stay here until you're asleep." Quinn promised. "And if you need me, I'm not that far away."

Beth looked at Quinn.

"I promise I'll stay here until you're asleep." Quinn said. "Okay? Just try to sleep."

Beth nodded and got comfortable in her bed. She closed her eyes and held onto Quinn's hand.

When Beth was asleep, Quinn tiptoed out of the room and returned to her own room.



Quinn opened her eyes and frowned at the sight of Beth standing there.

"I can't sleep." Beth said. "Can I stay here?"

"Come here." Quinn nodded. "Don't wake up Noah."

"Noah's up." Noah murmured.

"Shhh." Quinn hushed him. "Go back to bed. But scoot over first."

When there was room for Beth, she climbed into bed and curled up beside Quinn.

Quinn held Beth and smiled. "I got you now, Beth. You're safe here. I promise."

"Okay." Beth said.

"Get some sleep now, B." Quinn said softly. "I got you."

"Love you, Mommy."

"Love you, too."

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