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After the show, Quinn and Rachel's friends waited in their dressing rooms while Quinn and Rachel went to the stage door.

They were greeted with cheers and applause from the people who had come to see their show.



"Hi, everyone!" Rachel grinned.

"Thanks for coming!" Quinn added.

"Alright." Rachel said softly. "I'll see you when we're done."

Quinn nodded, and the girls split up.

They had done the stage door together, but separately. They always went out and came back together, but they met people and signed autographs individually so more people had a chance to at least meet one of them.

Quinn was nervous that someone would say something about the Twitter thread, but Rachel was right - the thread was from days ago. If someone was going to say something, they would've already done so.

Quinn made her way through the sea of playbills shoved in her face. She looked up and froze at the sight of the person in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Alex!" The boy exclaimed.

"H-Hi." Quinn stuttered. "I'm sorry. You just look like someone I know."

"I hope that's a compliment." Alex smiled.

"Of course." Quinn nodded slowly. "Thank you for coming to the show."

"I've made it a point to see Wicked whenever I'm in New York." Alex explained. "This was my eighth time."

"Really?" Quinn asked. "And which time was your favorite?"

"This one." Alex answered. "You were amazing and so beautiful."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled.

"I'm serious. You and Rachel Berry should release some recordings of the songs." Alex told Quinn.

"That's very sweet of you." Quinn said as she finished signing the playbill. "Do you wanna take a photo to commemorate your favorite trip to see Wicked?"

"Sure." Alex nodded as he took his playbill. "But I thought we weren't allowed to take posed pictures?"

"It's okay." Quinn promised. "Come here."

"Thank you so much."

Because Quinn had taken a photo with one fan, she was basically forced to take pictures with anyone else who asked. After a while, she walked over to Rachel's side.

"This is exactly why we don't take pictures!" Rachel exclaimed, annoyed at Quinn.

"Security didn't say we couldn't." Quinn pointed out.

"Let's just hurry this up." Rachel decided. "Come on."

The girls continued until security finally shut it down. They waved goodbye as they walked back inside, heading to their dressing rooms.

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