Chapter 1: The New Job

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A/N: This is my second Star Wars Story. I wanted to write another because I enjoyed the first one so much. A lot of the things in the story will be the same. I hope you enjoy!- Layla

Today was the big day. You were finally old enough to work for The First Order.

You were always so excited for this day to come you were a little nervous... but who wasn't. As you got out of your bed you knew you were going to miss your old home.

You got a little bag and thought of what you were able to pack: Two dresses for parties, and one normal outfit. You did just that, packing a short cocktail dress, and a long elegant one. For the normal clothes you packed black pants and a loose t-shirt knowing you were never going to wear it.

Your dad always complained about no matter how high you climbed in the First Order, you would always sleep in an uncomfortable bed. He was always so negative about you leaving. He wanted you to be successful but he always scoffed at the mention of the name "First Order". You grabbed your bag and headed for the kitchen.

"You know Y/N when I was young... The First Order was the powerful Empire." You rolled your eyes at your father. You were always excited about being able to work for them ever since your brother was sent off. No one could rain on your parade.

You mother walked into the kitchen, "We will miss you Y/N. Make our family proud. Always keep your head up!" Your father once again scoffed "But don't be too confident... you know about the temperamental Kylo Ren." Your dad waved his hands in the air mockingly as he said his name.

You stared at him dead in the eyes, not amused. "Your ship is here. Now Go!" You smiled at both of them and walked out the door. You almost shed a tear as you bordered the ship, you knew you'd never see them again.

You watched out the window as the planet you once called home faded into the stars of space. You sighed and turned around looking at the pilot. You studied his face and then realized who he was. "Sam?" He looked back at you and smiled.

"Hello sis! Took you long enough!" He was your brother. He was the best pilot in the First Order. He stood from his chair, you hugged him. It had been five years since you had seen him. He sat back down taking control of the ship. "So have you heard where you'll be working?" You shook your head. "No. Mom said I'd find out when I got there."

Your brother cocked a smirk at you, "You know don't you?" He chuckled, "Maybe..." you walked over and sat in the co-pilots chair. "Sam! You need to tell me!" He laughed. "Well since I put in a good word for you, you'll be a Stormtrooper!"

Your mouth fell open. "Oh my Grevious! You know that's all I've wanted to do!!" Your brother laughed. You've always had a passion for the fight. Like it was in your blood. "I can't wait!"

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