Chapter 37: No Help

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You got the message that your parents ship had landed. You walked to the loading bay, Hux stood in the control room watching everything. Your parents stepped off the ship and you greeted them. "Mom, dad! It's good to see you." Your father smiled and hugged you. You glanced back up at the control room and saw that Sam, in his pilot uniform, had joined Hux.

"Well, why don't you show us around!" Your dad chuckled at your mother. "Show us around? I designed this hunk of junk." Your mother giggled. "You may have designed it dad, but I'd like to take you to certain spots, how does that sound?" Your dad huffed, "Fine." Your parents followed you around the ship as you showed them the cafe, the living area, The Great Hall, the dining room, and the banquet hall.

You stopped as you stood in Hux's hallway. "Y/N, what's this place?" Your mother asked. You looked at your parents, your dad's eyes were cold his face holing no emotion, he knew where you were. "This is the General's sleeping quarters." Your father said lowly. "Oh..." chirped your mother. Your mom looked down at her feet and shifted them.

"Anyways... moving on..." you walked past your parents and Sam came into view at the end of the hall. Hux held his arm and they were laughing. There eyes fell on you all and their smiles fell. Your parents stepped out so they were beside you. "Samuel..." your mother finally said breaking the silence. Hux let go of Sam's arm letting it fall to his side.

"Mother... father. What are you doing here?" Sam said in a flat tone. "We are here to celebrate your sisters wedding." Your father said. Sam's hands clinched and he walked up to you. "Well if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get to my room." You stepped out of Sam's way and Hux followed behind him.

Your mother turned around and grabbed Sam's arm. Sam turned around and looked at her disgusted. "Samuel..." he raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" Your mother pulled him towards her and hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms under his. "Please my son forgive me..." Sam slipped out of her grip, "And why do you think I would do that?"

"Because she is your mother... and I am your father. We love you son, and we miss you." Sam scoffed and walked towards the bed room door slamming his hand on the DNA pad. He walked in the door and shut it. Hux sighed, "I am sorry... he has been like this ever since Y/N got engaged. But I must give you two a word of advice. Samuel has lied awake most nights knowing he does not have your approval. It eats him up on the inside, it turned him into a different man. And now that Y/N is on the ship, it's only grown worse. Though you might think that he has discarded his memory of you, like you have him, he hasn't. I know you don't like me, and I know I shouldn't be telling you how to parent your son, but you are his parents, just like you said. He loves you, and springing this on him so quickly just to fill an aching hole in your heart will not help him. It will mentally destroy him. Trust me I know, not only have I spent my entire life seeking my father's approval, but I also know your son more than anyone to exist. So please for his sake, take some time." Hux turned and swung his overcoat over his shoulder opening the door and closing it.

"He's right..." you said looking at your parents who just looked down the now empty hallway. Your mom turned to you. "General Hux is a smart man, he knows what he's talking about. Trust him and what he's saying." You said when they didn't respond.

"A gay man should not be telling me how to raise my child." Your mom put her hands on your dads shoulders. "Oh come on sweetie! You know he's right, plus he's really sexy." Your mom turned to you, "Why do all the good ones have to be gay!" You laughed and your dads mouth fell open. "Well I'm not gay!"

You let mom giggled and patted your dads chest, "That's my point Ducky." You smirked as your mom walked past you. Your dad grumbled some curses under his breath. "So Y/N, why don't you show us where your living." You nodded, "Of corse!"

You took your parents to your room. You opened the door and Kylo sat at the bar eating some toast. "Mmm! Duckiro, Lydia, it's great to see you!" He put down his toast and book and walked over to you. "Wow, Kylo Ren, this is amazing." Your mother said looking around the room. "Oh please... call me Kylo. And you can thank your husband for the architecture, I just decorated."

"Well you are a great decorator, and I see you like to read." He nodded, "One of my passions Mrs. Emerson. So uh would you guys be staying in The Duck Hun?" Wait didn't you destroy that door trying to break in? He chuckled, I had to get it replaced right before they came. If your father ask why the door is different tell him that the mechanics broke.

What no! I'm going to tell them the real story, they are my parents. And embarrass the Sith out of me, I don't think so. Yeah you don't think so, you know so. You winked at him and he sighed. "Whatever Y/N." He said walking back to his toast.

"I guess I'll show you to The Duck Hun." Hux just messaged me, dining hall, me, your parents, you, Sam, and him. 6:00, don't be late, it took him I while to convince him. Sir yes sir!

You walked to The Duck Hun and opened the door. Your dad sighed as he walked around. "Ahhh home at last!" He fell on the bed. "So yeah this is where you guys will stay." Your mom put her hand on his shoulder. "Thank you dear. Please tell Kylo I said thank you as well." You nodded and smiled.

"Wait Y/N... that door is different." Your dad sat up and looked at the door. "Well uhh... you see Kylo broke the door. He smashed his hand into the door and kicked it. It short circuited." Your dad laughed, "Why did he want to get into your room so badly." You blushed. "He wanted to attend to some business..."

Your father bursted out in laughter. "So he's that kinda guy huh...?" You smiled. "I may or may not have teased him a little to much." Your dad rolled off the bed in laughter. You smiled knowing your dad was going to mess with Kylo now.

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