Chapter 9: Who Is She

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Kylo waved the trooper away and stood up slowly. You looked around his body searching for something, anything. He looked at you and shook his head. "It was arranged. I had nothing to do with it." You drew your head back. "But you're still married! And you kissed me?!" He furrowed his brows. He walked towards you and stopped in front, your chest was touching his as he looked down at you. "All she means to me is a peace treaty."

He left the room with that, his words still lingering in the air.


Kylo walked down the hall to his quarters. His wife had been away on a visit to her home planet for a while. He was in no way excited to see her, she did ruin his plans for you.

He opened the door and she looked at him scared. He liked how she was scared. Yayla was a human, one of the most beautiful people to exist. She was the princess of Amous, her home planet. They were arranged to get married. Snoke wanted Kylo to have a child with her and then kill her. "Kylo! What a pleasure to see you again." She said rising from the bed. "Did you have a nice time back on Amous?" He asked not caring.

"Yes I did." She said pleased. He poured himself a cup of coffee. Once he discovered coffee existed he couldn't get enough of it, much like you. He sipped the coffee and leaned on the edge of the bar. "Well, do you have something to tell me?" She was nervous, more nervous than usual.

"Yayla, tell me, you know you can tell me anything." She tapped her foot. She'd only been gone for two months. "I'm pregnant." She looked at him with hope in her eyes, hope that he wouldn't slaughter her. Kylo choked on his coffee. "But we've only-"

"I know... one time is all it takes. But it's not yours." He set down the coffee. "Not mine? Then whose is it!?" He swiftly made his way over to her. She shrunk where she stood. "Me and one of my old friends went out drinking. I saw-" Kylo gripped her neck with his leather glove pushing her against the closet wall. "I don't have a DAMN about your sob story!" He placed a finger under her chin where her carotid artery was. "Who's. Is. It's?" He asked forcing her into the wall. She didn't answer.
(Trigger warning)
"Do you know what this means for you, you slut?" His voice was growing more and more menacing by the second. He used all his anger towards you slapping him against Yayla. "Please Kylo... spare me!" She yelled as she felt her life slipping. "No." He slammed her against the wall breaking the back of her skull. Her body went limp and he let her fall to the ground.

He violently took his glove off and removed his ring. He threw it at her lifeless body and stormed in the direction of your room.


You sat on your bed running the kiss over and over. You tried to direct your mind elsewhere, but it was all you could think about. You still felt his lips, you still tasted him. You looked down at the helmet that he left in the training room and thought long and hard about him.

The door opened and Kylo's boots dug into the floor as he fell into the chair across from your bed. You looked at him and then back at the helmet. You sighed knowing this was going to be a normal occurrence, where he just let himself in.

"What do you want?" You said breaking the silence. He looked at you and then at the ground. "Nothing." You rolled your eyes and handed him his helmet, you walked to the little sink and filled two cups with water. "You have a reason you're here, or you would have knocked." The door was still open, you closed it with the force.

"I killed her." He muttered. "Huh?" You walked over and handed him the water. "I killed Yayla, my wife." He took a swig of the water. "Oh my gosh! What, why?" You sat back down on your bed. "She was baring a child that was not mine. It was her only purpose, and she failed. The only reason we were married was so she could have my child, she then would be killed. The moment she stepped on this base, was the moment her life was claimed."

You paused taking all this in. "She was stupid enough to sleep with another man!" He threw his glass up against the wall shattering it. You jumped at the sound. "You killed her?" He looked at you with anger. "YES! I KILLED HER! I'M JUST LIKE THE MONSTER THEY PORTRAY IN ALL THE STORIES! I HAVE NO MERCY, NO LIMIT! I AM A MONSTER!" He screamed down into your face.

You didn't flinch, you weren't worried. You stood in front of him and took his chin in your hand. He looked down at your hand, his breaths were deep as he calmed down. "A monster wouldn't have so much compassion." You kissed him. It wasn't long but it wasn't short.

You didn't want to lead him to something he was never going to have. You didn't want him to be possessive over a thing he didn't own. He exhaled as you pulled away. "Goodnight Ren." You turned on your heels and laid down on your bed covering up. Removing the top two layers of your robes, leaving you in a tank-top.

Kylo stood there for a moment, Oh how I wish I could yank her out of that bed and tell her she isn't finished. Command her to give me more. His words echoed through your head. He was so caught up in you he didn't even realize you were in his head.

He lingered there for a while. As he watched your breath get even and steady he put his helmet back on. He walked out the door and left you 'sleeping' peacefully. You opened your eye and looked at the door. You squealed, now you had the power in your hand. You were going to make the next few weeks a living hell.

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