Chapter 11: Dinner

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Throughout the day Kylo sent you messages in your head. Confirming the many details of the night that was approaching. 6:00, Hux and your brother will be joining us, in the dining room, wear nice clothes. Was the last one he told you.

You dressed in the dress you packed before. It was two inches above your thigh. It wasn't formal, it was a party press after all. You looked in the mirror, perfecting your hair once more. You kept it down, opposed to the normal bun you wore.

You walked to the dining hall and your brother stood outside the door. He was leaned up against the wall. "Hey." You waved at him and he smiled at you. "Why are you waiting?" He sighed. "They're in there arguing about something Snoke said." He rolled his eyes and you heard Kylo's voice.

"I DON'T CARE HUX! I WANT IT DONE!" Sam winced at the yelling. "They will go at it for hours." Hux's voice followed soon after Kylo's. "Your ego and need will one day get the best of you Ren!" Hux opened the door and grabbed your brother by the arm pulling him away from the room.

You peeled in the room "ARGGH!" Kylo threw a chair across the room breaking it. You carefully walked in the door your heels clicking on the quartz floor. You got behind Kylo and put a hand on his back. He froze and all his muscles tensed up.

He turned his head a little so you could see his profile. You rubbed you hand on his back. "You ok?" He sighed, "I'm sorry. I know how excited you were for this dinner." He clinched his fist.

You ran your hand to his. He grabbed it and turned to look at you. He swallowed hard as he stared at your exposed legs. You smirked at him and slowly traced your fingers across your leg. His eyes followed your hand.

His hand reached up to touch yours, but you turned away from him. You swung your hips as you walked to the other side of the room. He watched you with a hint of anger, he always seemed angry.

He walked to the end of the table where you were. He grabbed your hips and directed you to stand in front of him. You felt his semi-hard on against the small of your back. You wanted to melt in his arms, you wanted him to claim you, but you knew you couldn't allow that. You tried to break away from him but he gripped your arms.

He leaned down to your ear. "See what you do to me?" You stepped on his foot, "Teasing isn't a crime." He let you go and you walked out the door. You aren't getting away that easily! You heard his shoes walking behind you, you sped up and kicked your heels off trying to pick up speed.

Watch me. You ran into your room and shut the door. He pounded his fist, "Y/N! Let me in! I felt it... I felt you!" He pleaded. The door flung open and you quickly shut it with the force.

He kicked the door, you knew it had to leave it dent. You laughed as he cried out. "Fine. Be that way!" He slammed his fist on the door and stormed away.

You smiled to yourself. You turned around and looked at your bed, you felt the heat grow in between your legs. You felt your legs grow to jelly as you shimmed out of your dress. You knew what you were about to do, you would regret, but who cares. I mean you were alone.

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