Chapter 38: Family Dinner

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It was now 5:45 and you were dressed and ready for the Dinner. You escorted your parents to the dinning hall. You walked in and Hux and Sam were wrapped in each other's arms dancing. Hux looked over Sam's shoulder at you and winked.

Kylo stood leaned the wall sipping his scotch. He walked over to you and smiled. "So tomorrow I have a bachelor party, and you have a bachelorette party. They are at the same time. Sam, your mother, Phasma, and some of your friends from Tatooine will attend. While me and Hux will go out and get wasted." You giggled, "Thank you hun." You kissed his cheek.

Kylo clapped his hands and servants came in baring food. You all took your seats at the table. They brought in a lot of food. Some of it being stuff you'd never seen before. Kylo looked down at the food pleased. "That is the last of it Master Ren. Will the leftovers be split between the workers?" Kylo nodded, "Yes like always Sarta."

The man smiled and walked out. You all took portions of the food, getting what you wanted. "So Y/N. When you visited Tatooine you never told us your engagement story." You smiled. "Well we had been summoned to speak to Snoke. Snoke said that he approved of our relationship and he left. After that Kylo picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, he spun around and was filled with joy. Then he put me down and told me he forgot. I asked what he forgot and he pulled out this beauty." You wiggled your finger.

Kylo smirked. "I was filled with so much joy that I forgot to propose." Everyone around the table laughed. You turned to Sam. "What was you guys story?" Hux chuckled and patted Sam's thigh. Sam smirked a little.

"Armitage showed me around the base, to places I'd never been before. Then after a couple of minutes of being alone he turned to me and got down on one knee. I gasped, but he said he was tying his shoe. Then he took me back to the room and he danced with me. He dipped me like a salsa dancer and whispered it in my ear. After that he whipped me back up acting like it never happened, but I heard it. So throughout the rest of the night I kept on saying yes out of context and then giving it some strange excuse. The night approached, and he took me back to The Duck Hun, and right before the door closed I said 'Yes I will marry you.' And shut the door in his face."

Hux chuckled, "Yeah, I so badly wanted to break that door down." Your parents smiled. "It's good to know that both my babies are happy." Her smile was soft. You all ate the dinner and talked about childhood experiences. "Wait but Samuel told me that you pushed him!" Hux said laughing. "WHAT NO! He pushed me into the pit! I got in so much trouble!"

"Don't lie Y/N! You pushed me and you know it. I was the one on the ground, right dad?" Your dad nodded and took a bite of some animal. "Y/N you pushed Sam. He was the one in the pit."

"HA! SUCK IT SISSY!" Everyone laughed and you relaxed knowing everyone was smiling. The alcohol was flowing and everyone was super drunk. Kylo yawned sending it all over the table. "Alright I think it's time to call it a night, what are you guys thinking." You nodded. "Yep seems like time to hit the hay!" You stood up and stretched.

The servants came in and cleaned the table. "That was a great dinner, thank you all." Your father said nodding. You smiled, "Yes it was fun." You said your goodnights and walked to Kylo's room, he followed you like a puppy dog. Once the door shut he sighed.

"Well that was interesting... I thought your parents hated Sam." You walked over to him and pressed your forehead against his filling in what happened during the tour. "Huh... so they just want him to just love them again?" You nodded and changed your clothes. "I'm just so ready to go to sleep!" Kylo laughed.

"Well good luck with that, I have a couple of things I need to do. Sleep well my love." He kissed your head and you groaned wanting to lay down with him. Kylo left and you crawled into bed, Two more days until my wedding day. Am I ready? Your thoughts grew more and more nervous as you thought of all the outcomes. What if he marries me and realizes he doesn't love me like he thought? What if he wants kids!? I'm not ready for that! What if he gets cold feet and leaves me at the alter?

You felt tears run down your face as your mind was filled with the worst possibilities. You loved Kylo to much to lose him. You were scared for this next stage in your relationship. You would really be his, forever. You crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Hello there..." a voice said from behind you. You turned around and a man stood at the doorway. You grabbed Kylo's razor off the counter and threw it at him. It went strait threw his body and landed on the floor. "Who are you?!" The mans chest rose and fell, "I am Count Dooku, your grandfather."

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