Chapter 33: Grant

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"Grant! Hey! This is Lark." Corina said grabbing her brother. Grants expression was flat, no smile, nothing. "Hello Lark." You held out your hand and he shook it. "It's great to meet you." You now shoveled threw his thoughts, Damn... she's hot. Wait... your in my mind aren't you Lark? You winked at him.

Maybe.... you stared into his dark blue eyes. Well hello there Lark Star. What an interesting last name. Well it's better than Vaughn. He laughed out loud. "That's no fair you two! All talking outside the mind!" Corina wined. Grant rolled his eyes. "Sure Corina."

Grant walked away and Corina grabbed your arm again. She lead you back to the room. I would love to get to know you better. Are you free tomorrow? I don't know... I mean I'm pretty packed, I'll have to check my schedule... he laughed again. You are funny lark. I like funny. And I like you, Grant.

Corina shut the door and you walked over to your bed. You weren't tired, but 'Lark' had to be, I mean her planet just blew up. You laid in the bed it was hard and lumpy. "I'm exhausted!" You sighed. Corina laughed, "Same!" You pulled Kylo's shirt to your nose like you did all those months ago, and rubbed the brand, it sent warm feelings threw out your body.

The fire under your skin ignited as your thoughts drifted to Kylo. You wondered what he was doing now that he found the note.


What a smart girl. Kylo thought to himself as he watched you threw your eyes. He had gotten stronger than Snoke had remembered. He cringed hard as you talked to Grant, he saw the things in Grant's mind that you didn't. He saw the dirty side that all men keep somewhere. He saw him imagining all he could do to you.

But then you walked back to the room and snuggled his shirt, thinking of the night you did 'horrible' things to him. How you teased him, how you made him want you. As you rubbed your fingers along the brand, he gave you, it sent the same sensations threw his body. It made him feel ten times better knowing you were still thinking of him. Yes Kylo was still a little angry, but he knew you'd be ok, and he knew he'd never let anything happen to you.


You knew you weren't dreaming the moment you opened your eyes. Grant stood in front of you, his robes discarded leaving him in pants. You smirked, "Why hello there." You said slowly walking over to him. He definitely wasn't your type. He was huge in muscle, having abs, and prominent pecks. His blue eyes glowed and his blond short hair shined. He was the exact opposite of Kylo, beside the muscle.

"You have many nightmares." He said in his baritone voice. You finally reached him and traced your hands down his chest. "Yes well I've seen a lot of suffering. Are you taking away my nightmares with this, I mean, because I like this." He laughed. "I felt this was an appropriate alternative, I don't mean to not have a shirt on... you just went to sleep before I could get one over my head."

You giggled, "Well Grant... there is no need to change it. I like it." You looked up at him and he smiled at you. He leaned down for a kiss and you caught his lips with your finger. "It's only a dream Grant... you'll have to wait..."

"Well maybe open your eyes, and it won't be so much of a dream." You were curious, but you kept your brand in mind knowing if he did anything he would fall and break your cover. You rolled over in your bed and opened your eyes.

You jumped at the sight of Grant's face staring back at you. "Geez you startled me!" He covered your moth, "Shhhh... Corina, remember?" He grumbled. You nodded your head wanting him to remove his hand. He wrapped his right hand around your waist and the other in your hair bringing you closer to him.

He placed small soft kisses on your face before his lips ghosted on yours. You licked your lips a little and leaned in. Forgive me my love. Grant soaked up every second of the kiss. You felt your brand, it was again burning holes in your clothes. You broke out of Grant's grip and rolled off the bed. You ran into the bathroom cursing quietly. Grant followed you in.

He stood behind you looking at you in the mirror. "Are you ok?" You nodded, "Yeah... I'm sorry I just... I haven't kissed someone in a long time." You turned around so you could face him. He looked down at you his hands hovering over your hips. "Well if that's the case, you are surprisingly good at it."

You giggled and he leaned down meeting your eyes. He kissed you, picked you up and set you on the counter. His tongue ran along your bottom lip and you granted him what he wanted. "Grant! Get off Lark!" A groggy Corina said from the bathroom door.

You snapped your head in her direction and Grant huffed. "Why do you always have to be a buzz kill Corina!" He walked out the door slamming his shoulder into hers. He slammed the main door behind him and Corina walked over to you. "I'm sorry Lark... did he hurt you, he can get a little passionate with kisses. He one time.... ummm, well you can't tell him I said this... but he one time strangled a girl. It was a complete accident but he just got into it. My parents after that said relationships were bad for him, but I want him to be happy... you know."

You hopped off the counter. "I know exactly what you mean. I had a brother. He was gay, my family didn't except him, but I just wanted him to be happy." She nodded. "I bet he was an amazing guy." You thought of Sam, "Yes he was. Well I'm going to go back to sleep, goodnight Corina."

"Goodnight Lark!" Goodnight Lark. Goodnight Y/N. So many goodnights, you felt loved. And with that thought, you slept.

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