Chapter 5: Family Secrets

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You woke up in a room strapped to a table. It was cold, and your restraints were on tight. You were no longer in your uniform, now you were dressed in a black shirt, and army green pants. You squirmed in the restraints. "It's no use." A voice said from behind you.

You craned your neck to try and look behind you. Kylo walked to the front of the table so you could easily see him. "Why am I here?" You were scared, no not just scared, you were petrified of the man that stood in front of you.

"You're scared." He said in a questioning tone. "You're scared of me?" You didn't make eye contact with him. You could feel his eyes on you, they were burning holes in your head. "Who are you? Why do you possess the force?"

All questions you couldn't answer. Kylo held his hand up to your head, "If you don't speak to me, I going to have to figure out the hard way." You swallowed hard glancing over at his hand. He slightly nodded. You felt an immediate headache as he searched your mind. You whimpered as memories flashed in your head.

The door opened and Kylo dropped his hand. "Sir I found it." He walked over to the man and grabbed papers from his hand. He walked back into your view and opened the folder. He scanned the paper, flipping threw pictures of you and your family. He stopped at one. "Leave us." The door shut.

"Count Dooku..." he looked at you and his voice grew deeper. "Tell me all you know about your grandfather." Grandfather? You looked confused, "You didn't know?" You shook your head frantically. He sighed deeply and turned around. His back was to you.

"Master Ren?" You managed to chirp. He turned his head. "Are you saying that I'm the granddaughter of Count Dooku, the Sith Lord?" You we're worried. Why, How, When? A hissing noise broke your thoughts. You looked over to Kylo, he removed his helmet.

"You think very loudly!" He said with annoyance in his voice. He turned to face you, Holy shit. Instead of him being some shriveled up piece of flesh he was a young man, around the age of twenty. He had freckles all over his face, it looked like constellations. His nose was long, but perfect. His hair being black, shoulder length, and full of volume. His eyes were the center of his face, they were brown and beautiful, you'd kill for eyes like that. Though you didn't want to look him in the eyes you were drawn to the beauty that stared back at you.

Damn, You thought. He looked down to the floor and back up at you. "Why do you think your parents did not tell you about your past, about" You shrugged still trying to pull yourself out of the thoughts of this man.

He took off the restraints, and you hopped off the table. "My parents were never the type of people you could sit down and talk with. I'm sure, even though they have been married for forty years, there is still stuff they don't know about each other." His eyes were full of thought as they scanned your face. You felt that he knew the feeling.

"I am sorry." You raised an eyebrow. "You're sorry for what? Taking precautions. There is no need to apologize, like Hux said, you have seen the way I fight." He chuckled a little. "You are dismissed for now, Y/N. I must speak to my master once more, I will tell you when we have come to a decision."

You nodded and Kylo put his helmet back on. He left the room, the smell of fire lingered after him. You sat down on a nearby bench. Why is he so hot?

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