Chapter 26: Father

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You finished up showering and headed back home. You knew your father would be home from his 'job' that was actually a gambling addiction. Your father was an amazing man, most of the time honest, but he had a serious problem.

"Are you ok, my love?" Kylo asked noticing how uncomfortable you were. "Yeah I'm fine, my dad should be home by now." He nodded and you opened the door. Your dad sat at the small dining room table, and your mother was at the stove making dinner.

Your dad looked up from the money he had collected. "Y/N! What a pleasure to see you dear!" He stood and side hugged you. He looked at Kylo his eyes filled with question. Kylo offered his hand, "I'm Ben." Your dad looked at his hand and back at his eyes. "Do I know you? Your voice and the way your built... it's so familiar."

"He's a stormtrooper honey. You've probably met him before." Kylo nodded and shifted his weight. "No, that's not it... I know you. What's your last name?" Kylo took a deep breath and put his hand down accidentally revealing his lightsaber. It caught your dad's eye and he stood.

"Wait..." he pulled Kylo's cloak off, exposing his entire outfit, along with his lightsaber. You father's voice was low. "Hello, Kylo Ren." Your mother turned around at the name. She looked at him differently now, the once relaxed face a scowl.

"What do you want with my daughter Sith Scum. You want her power... well you can't have it!" He jumped over the table and took Kylo to the ground. "Dad! Get off of him!" Kylo took all of your dads punches, but he eventually grew tired of them. He grabbed your dad's fist.

"You are getting old Duckiro. You believe that I cannot love your daughter, you fail to see the success she's become. You fear her, you fear that she will be too much like your father to save. That's what makes you blind." Kylo carefully pushed your dad off of him. He grabbed his cloak and stormed out the door.

You heard the speeder start up and then leave. You looked at the scene that just happened. "You are marrying him!?" Your dad screamed. You winced at his voice. "Yes! I am because I'm in love with him. You can't do anything to change that! He was right, you are blind father, and you should fear me." You walked outside and sat against the wall.

Come find me on the ship. We can sleep their tonight. Well you left without me! How do you expect me to get there? You were mad, and Kylo was the only one you could take it out on. Why does he think you are such a bad guy? Kylo sighed, I have worked with your father before. He has seen me do horrible things. Before your father was a designer, he was a Officer. He went on many missions with me when I was younger. He saw me do things that I regret to this day.

He sees me as a monster because I am one. But you Y/N are the only one that is able to tame the beast that is me. You felt immediate regret. Come back here. Let's fix this before it gets worse... please. Ok.

You waited outside until Kylo arrived. He hopped off the speeder and helped you up. He wrapped his arm around you. You sighed and entered the door. "Dad?" Your dad looked up from the money he was still counting. "What."

"I'm sorry Duckiro. I didn't mean for our visit to go this way. I know you have seen me do a lot of harm in the past, but I promise I am not the reckless boy I was then. I have trained for years, I learned control, and I was an exceptional Sith. That was until I met Y/N. She made me throw everything I had built to the wind. I didn't care what Snoke said, I had to make her mine." You father nodded. "Dad... can we just forgive and forget?"

Your dad shook his head and your mother walked over to him. "Ducki... you know we experienced the same thing. You know how hard it was to get approval. They are just kids... and they are going threw the exact same thing. All she wants is your approval." Your dad stood and sighed, he rubbed his head before looking at Kylo. It was then that he realized, he's just human.

"You promise to take care of her. Protect her." Kylo swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. "Yes sir." They shook hands and Kylo pulled you outside. You hugged him and he laughed picking you up and spinning you. "Holy Sith that was painful!" He said putting you down. You laughed, "Thank you for that." He looked down and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Anything for you."

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