Chapter 35: Like Butter

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"Mmm thanks." You walked out the door killing simple servants on the way. "Follow me... I'll show you were the main Jedi hide." Grant lead you to a room and the door opened. The Jedi sat at a round table and looked at you and Grant. This was going to be fun.

"Grant we weren't expecting you. What are you doing here?" Grant looked at you and then back at the Jedi. "I lost a bet." He ignited his saber and you followed after him. You tore threw the Jedi, your saber cutting threw them like butter.

You laughed as the last one begged for mercy. You felt your eyes glowing and you stabbed him. They all turned into a pile of robes. A siren blared, "They are summoning all Jedi personal here, they will try and take us on. They don't know we are the targets yet follow my lead."

The door opened and Grant winced at the dead Jedi. He looked back at the others standing at the door. "We were down the hall... all we heard were screams. When we arrived they were already dead." Corina pushed threw all the men "Grant! Are you ok?" He smiled and forced her into a chair holding her there.

"I'm sorry Corina... I just can't resist it anymore." He cut threw the first Jedi and Corina screeched. You stepped in front of Grant easily brushing threw the rest of the Jedi until it was just Corina, Grant, and you. You put your saber up and sighed, "Easy work."

"Who are you?!" Corina yelled. You smiled and tapped the brand, it burned threw your clothes flipping back and forth from Kylo's name and Helmet. "I am Y/N Ren, Kylo Ren's wife." Grant's eyes were wide. "But you kissed me... and you-"

"Call me a great actress." You slammed Grant up against the wall and his head hit it with pause, you then heard his skull crack. You jumped in excitement, "Whew! I've been wanting to do that ever since he snuck in my bed." Corina got up from the chair now that her brothers force was gone.

You looked at her and smiled. "If only you were as good of a fighter as your brother." You swept her off her feet and her head hit the table snapping her neck. I'm going home my love. You are so fucking hot. You giggled stepping over all the dead Jedi. You got out of the base and ran to your ship. You opened the hatch and crawled in. You opened the door and pulled out the satchel. You put your ring and your crystal back in their normal places.

"Finally back to normal." You got up and sat in the pilots chair and started up the ship. You quickly punched in the coordinates for the StarKiller and you were off.

When you arrived Sam ran up to his ship. "DONT  YOU EVER STEAL MY BABY AGAIN!" He yelled, you laughed and winked at Hux. "I learned a lot on that ship." Hux chuckled, "We all have." Kylo pushed over some stormtroopers and discarded his helmet. He picked you up and kissed you. "Holy Sith I missed you." He said squeezing the air out of your lungs.

He set you down and grabbed your hand. He pulled you away from the crowd and stuck you in a small storage closet with him. He turned on the little light and looked down at you. "When we get some better lighting I need to check some specific areas. I want to make sure that Grant didn't do anything while you were sleeping."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped into his arms twisting your legs around his waist. He supported you by grabbing your thighs. You kissed him pushing him back into the shelves knocking over some cleaning supplies.

You giggled into the kiss as you tried to catch them. "Leave them we have more important business to attend to." You smiled down at him. "In a storage closet?" He laughed, "Hell no! You have to tell Snoke of your mission. We can continue this later..." you smiled as he put his helmet back on walking you out the door.

You entered The Great Hall and Snoke was patiently waiting. "Lady Y/N... good to see you return in one piece." You smiled at the dry humor. You filled him in on the mission leaving out the stripping part. "Then I killed his sister. I checked the base and found no one alive. I completed my mission." He nodded, "Yes and you did it in not only good time but in a good manner. You are a very smart woman Y/N, I'm sure many Sith don't think like you. Befriending the enemy is a very smart idea. Thank you Y/N, you are dismissed."

You nodded and skipped out the door as Kylo followed you. You skipped down to his bed room and opened the door. "I think I'll take that inspection now." You cooed as he got closer. "Whatever you say,  Lark Star."

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