Chapter 20: Children

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You entered the door that Poe attempted to take you into. What looked like a seven year old sat on a bench crying. Your face changed to one of concern when the child winced as he looked up at you.

You slowly approached him. His breath was shaky. "What's wrong young one?" You took his face in your hand. Tears still streamed down his cheeks disappearing under his chin. "Please tell me you are here to save me." You cocked an eyebrow.

"They hurt me here. I just want to go home. Will you take me home?" The child looked up at you with genuine fear and hope. "Well I'm sure if you are a good boy you'll see your family again." You saw right threw the facade. They wanted to see if you were truly loyal. This was a test.

"Please take me away from here." He said sniffling. Your mouth was a strait line. "I can't dear... I'm waiting on someone, I need to change his ways. Maybe you'll be able to help me." His eyes lit up. "Really?" You nodded and smiled.

"Give me your hand." You pulled down your shirt a little revealing the mark. You prayed what you were about to try would work. The child gave you his hand. You placed it over the small mark. The child sighed and you felt a heat spread through his body. "I will take care of you. I promise. Now, what's your name?"

He looked at his hand in bewilderment. "Leo... my name is Leo. I'm eleven." You grabbed Leo's hand. "Wow Leo, you're a big boy!" Leo nodded quickly. "So I hear you want to fight with the Resistance!" Good Y/N. I see you aren't one to fall into my mother's traps.

"Who was that?" Leo said staring up at you. "What do you mean?" Kylo. You let go of Leo's hand. "The man... the man who just spoke to you." He can hear me? You waited on Leo's answer but he said nothing. You grabbed Leo's hand again. Y/N? Can he hear me?

"Yes I can hear you." Leo said quickly responding to the low voice of Kylo. You dropped your hand, Say something again love. Kylo cleared his throat. I forgot to tell you, Your so fucking sexy in that outfit. You blushed a little and Leo didn't react. Kylo, it seems he can only hear you when he touches me.

I've never seen this before. I will have to speak with Snoke. For now I will stay out of your mind just in case they find this out. I will speak with you only when you are far from him, and awake. You sighed knowing Kylo had been giving you amazing dreams the past few nights. They were sometimes dreams of his journey becoming a Sith Lord, some of them were about you and him and all he would do to you as you got back, and the other ones were your own good memories. Those were your favorite.

You grabbed Leo's hand and walked out the door. You stepped over Poe, the red bolts still dancing across his face. Leo looked down at him and you directed his eyes to yours. He was relatively short for an eleven year old. You picked him up with ease and walked out of the base.

Finn greeted you at the door. "Hey where is General Organa?" You asked stopping him. "In her office... I'll show you the way." Finn looked unsure of you, he was the one to transport you, he also heard Kylo's screams of anguish as you left the planet.

You put Leo on the ground letting him walk behind you. You got to the General's door and you knocked. "Enter!" A voice called. You opened the door with the force, winking at Leo.

"General, I have made a very interesting discovery about Leo here." The General turned around. "Yes?" You sighed, "Well he can hear others speak within thought... but only if he is in contact with others. What this means is, persay, Ben was talking with me in my head, and Leo was in contact with me, he could hear Ben." Leo jumped, "Y/N had a big scary man speaking in her mind. Thankfully he left!"

Your face grew hot. "A scary man...?" Leia raised an eyebrow. "Yeah! Right now she's thinking about how he said she was super sexy in the outfit she's wearing!" Leo chirped. Your body went stiff. "Y/N, are you in contact with my son?" You relaxed a little. "Yes... I am making him think that I am captured, then when he comes to retrieve me I will ask him to join me."

Leia nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan!" Han said walking in. He sat down at a couch and propped his feet on the table. He looked at you confused, "What is that red glowing thing under your shirt?" You looked down to find the brand a bright red. "Why are you looking?" You retorted. Han scoffed at you. "What. is. it?"

He got up from his chair and walked over to you. The way he took charge reminded you of Kylo. He tugged your shirt down a little accidentally brushing the back of his finger against it.

The red sparks flew out at Han shocking him until he passed out. Leia looked concerned. "What was that Y/N?" You looked at Han, "I just woke up with it... it did the same thing to Poe." You squawked. The helmet symbol changed from the helmet to two letters. "K and R." Leia said studying the mark. "Kylo Ren..."

"Yes?" Kylo's modified voice cut threw the air. You turned around and he stood over you. "Kylo..." you whispered.

"I see my brand worked effectively on father." Leia stood still behind her desk. Kylo looked down at Leo who cowarded behind your leg. He got on one knee getting to the child's level. Even on his knee Kylo was still giant. "Hello little one... you'll make a fine addition to my-"

You kicked Kylo softly in the shin, almost telling him not to say that. "Mother..." Kylo looked at his mom you could hear the sadness in his voice. She nodded at him. Kylo's hands reached up to his helmet. "No. If you are just going to leave I do not want to see your face." Kylo disobeyed his mother and removed his helmet.

"Though you might want to think it, I am not dead mother." Her eyes flooded. "You might not be dead, but my son, Ben Solo, is. Now leave my sight, take the child." Kylo looked down at you and you nodded. You let go of Leo's hand leaving him with Leia.

Kylo took your hand and handed you your lightsaber. "This belongs to you... m'lady." You giggled as he ripped threw the many Resistance fighters with his lightsaber, cutting them like butter. "I missed you." He chuckled, "I know."

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