Chapter 34: Time

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The light of the sun shined threw a little slit in on the top of the wall. It shined into your eyes, almost blinding you. "Good morning sunshine." A deep voice said from behind you. You turned around and Grant stood in front of your bed. He held out a cup of coffee. "I've never been a morning person..." you grumbled.

He chuckled, "So you finally learned how to put on a shirt?" You said gesturing to his tank-top. He smiled and you took the coffee from him. "Yeah well I can always take it off if you want me to. I mean you did want me to leave it off last night." You rolled your eyes and put Kylo's shirt in your lap. "Last night was fun."

He nodded and turned around to look out the door. You looked past him and people were walking by casually. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to a workout room and maybe spar. I want to see what you can do." Grant said looking back at you. "I'd love too!" He nodded, "Alrighty then, get dressed and meet me outside." You grinned, "Who said you had to wait outside?" He turned around and looked at you, like any other man would if he was just invited to watch a girl change.

You jumped out the bed and walked over to the dresser. I am yours my love, I have a name that is not mine. You must know this is all an act. You reminded Kylo as you saw the brand glow. I know. Then please leave me before he catches you. Kylo grunted and the brand faded to a little scar in the shape of his saber. It was less suspicious and cute.

Tap it when you wish it to return. You pulled out your green and white robes. Grant watched you carefully as you removed your sleepwear. Your back was to him, but that didn't stop him from studying you. You knew you were pretty, and you knew you were driving him mad.

You changed your bra, tank top, and robes. Now all was left was your pants. You turned and looked at him, his pupils were blown. You winked at him and walked into the bathroom. You could hear him curse under his breath as you shut the door. So desperate for a thing he will never have. Though Grant wasn't able to watch your strip show anymore you let Kylo stick around for the last part, knowing he missed you.

I hope you enjoyed that... now enjoy watching me beat his ass. Kylo let out an almost silent chuckle. You walked out of the bathroom and Grant opened the door. You let him walk threw first and followed him as he lead you to the workout room.

Once you arrived the people already there looked up at Grant and quickly left. "Why are they scared of you?" You asked watching them scurry. "I've beaten them all..." Grant stepped into the ring in the middle of the floor. "You're lying." You said following after him.

"Why are they actually scared of you?" He laughed, "You really want to know?" You nodded your head confidently. "I've killed all who step in this ring with me. And now it seems that your next, and that little strip tease show you gave me, has left me hot and bothered. So why don't we just get along with this."

You knew he was trying to be scary. "I'd like to see you try and beat me." He stepped towards you, "How about we make a bet then, you know, if your so confident." You tilted your head. "What are we betting on?" He smiled, "If I win, you will show me the rest of your strip show." This dude was truly a creep.

"And if I win?" He walked back and leaned on the rings ropes. "If you win, I will help you kill everyone here. You know... complete your mission." You walked over to him leaning against him. "What do you know about a mission?" His right hand went down your face. "I saw your little brand, I heard your conversation with your boyfriend. I'm powerful Y/N."

"Well that's not fair it sounds like a win-win situation for you. You want to kill everyone here, well except for Corina. You want her to have a front row seat to watch you become a Sith." Grant chuckled. "Well... how about if you win I'll join you and Kylo Ren, after we kill these people." You nodded, "Deal."

You knew Grant knew you'd win. I mean come on, your a Sith. You drew your saber and he did the same. Blue and green, the trademark Jedi colors. You fought for hours, sweat from the heat peppered your face. Grant's blonde hair was now a brownish color from being soaked.

You could see the tiredness in Grant's eyes, and how it increased with every move. You weren't tired you were wide awake. Kylo's words echoed threw your mind as pain rushed threw your body. 'You will learn your handle pain.' Grant had struck you a couple of times but that didn't stop you. You have the advantage with a lot more cuts and burns to his skin.

You knocked him on his knees and he looked up at you. He breathed heavily, "Fine! You win. I give up." You smiled and pulled him off his knees. "Well then... let's go. I'm on a time crunch." Grant balanced. "Alright... lets do this. Also before we do this I want to say, you're the first one that's ever beaten me. You are an exceptional fighter."

"Mmm thanks." You walked out the door killing simple servants on the way. "Follow me... I'll show you were the main Jedi hide." Grant lead you to a room and the door opened. The Jedi sat at a round table and looked at you and Grant. This was going to be fun.

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