Chapter 18: Attack

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You winched, "Does that hurt?" He asked carefully making circles over the burn. You nodded your head and looked down. He quickly grabbed your chin pulling you up to meet his eyes. "You will learn to handle pain." The door opened with a hiss and Kylo let go of your face. Hux stood in the doorway. "Master Ren finally! We are under attack, the Resistance is here!"

Kylo stormed out the door and walked into the main control room. He looked out the window to see many TIE fighters and X-Wings shooting at each other. On the ground there were stormtroopers being shot into pieces by a man who was older. He was accompanied by a Wookiee with a crossbow.

"Follow me." Kylo growled in your direction. You followed him to a door that lead outside. The cold air stung your skin. Once you grew closer to the troopers they made a part for you and Kylo to step in between. The man inhaled sharply when he looked at you both.

You drew your saber and ignited it. Kylo held out a hand to you, you couldn't move. "Han Solo." You tried so hard to break free you couldn't even speak. Kylo stepped in front of you. "Don't you think you are a little too old to be going out on adventures like this?" The Wookiee growled.

"Good to see you too s-" He was cut off, "We do not discuss personal matters on the battle field!" Han's eyes glanced at you. "Has she made you soft, is that why you aren't doing anything?" Han cocked an eyebrow.

You heard foot steps behind you, then arms wrapped around your waist. Han kept eyes contact with Kylo keeping his distracted. "Foolish old man. You will regret your words. I'm just waiting on you to make the first move." You tried to scream but nothing left your mouth.

A tall black man lead you onto a ship and quickly started it up. "I already have, Ben." You heard a scream from outside, "WHERE IS SHE SOLO!" Kylo was now officially pissed off, they had stolen you. Couldn't he feel you, couldn't he sense you?

The man tied up your wrist and legs tightly. You were finally let go from Kylo's force hold as you left the atmosphere of the StarKiller. You immediately tried to break free from the restraints. "Let me go!" You screamed. The man chuckled.

"You're funny Y/N, and I'd love too but you know, mission and all. I'm Finn by the way." Your face turned sour, "Traitor." You spit. You had heard of the stormtrooper that had escaped with the Resistance pilot. He smiled at you. "I get that a lot."

You woke up in an unfamiliar place. You sat up not remembering when you went to sleep. Finn sat against a wall asleep. Your tried to pull your  arms towards you but to no surprise you were detained. The metal bed frame shook waking up Finn. He looked at you groggily and yawned.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked curiously. "About as long as you have." He wiggled his finger at you getting up from the floor, "Welp see you later Y/N." He walked out the door leaving you all alone. You looked around the white room.

It was completely empty not one thing in the room was appealing. A woman stepped threw the door. She was shorter, had dark brown hair and eyes that looked familiar. Where have I seen those eyes before? She smiled at you warmly. "Hello Miss. Y/N. I am General Organa. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

She walked up to you and loosened the cuffs on your wrist. "What do you want from me?" You spat finally fed up. She tilted her head and kept the smile plastered on her face. "I want my son back, Y/N. And it seems as if you are the only way I can achieve that." You then realized where her eyes were from. "You're Kylo's mom?" You never even thought Kylo had parents.

She shook her head. "No. I am not Kylo Ren's mother, I am Ben Solo's mother. Like my father, Kylo Ren arose from the ashes of my son Ben. He will come looking for you I assume. While we wait you will be held here, hopefully he will be able to coax you to the light side as well." She seemed pleased with the words she spoke.

"You don't know your son do you?" She looked at you puzzled as her smile fell. "You are ignorant to think Kylo will bow down to someone as weak as you when he has all the power he could imagine."

"I guess we will just have to see then, huh Y/N." Her voice was harsh and gravely. "Solo." You whispered to yourself. She stopped from walking out the door. "Han Solo is his father dear." And with that she was out the door. You tried to look into her mind but you were weak. You couldn't sense anything, not even your own emotions.

'My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.' Kylo's voice in your head made you jump. He quoted your favorite line in Romeo and Juliet. I know you cannot respond. You are weak, preserve your energy. I will come for you in time my love. Be patient.

You missed him already. I will check up on you daily, with a new quote. I will tell you of my plan each morning. You felt tears threatening to fall. You knew now what you had to do.

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