Chapter 32: The Mission

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You grabbed your bag and ran to the loading bay. You stole Sam's white and red ship, it was the only ship that didn't look like a First Order cruiser. You left him a little message on his holopad telling him why you stole it, where you were going, and not to tell Kylo.

The ship will lead you to the planet, once you arrive it will be a thirty minute walk to the suspected base. I wish you the best Y/N. You left the StarKiller and walked around the small ship remembering when you first boarded it. You ran your fingers along the walls and found a crack. You looked at it suspiciously and pushed it. It went into the ship like a button.

It opened a door in the bottom, you looked into it and found a bag. You pulled the satchel out and opened it, it was full of photos. The photos were of Sam, most of them being goofy pictures of him and Hux. You saw some that were from when you were teenagers. You smiled as you flipped threw the pictures in your hand and saw wedding photos.

You saw looks on their faces that you only saw when they looked at each other. You knew they were meant for each other. You picked up a small item in the bottom the looked like a recording device. You pressed the button on it, "I love you." Hux's voice said. A little note was the last thing in the satchel.

'I hope you enjoy your new ship. I got it personally made for you. If anything ever happens to it I'm sure you'll find a way to repair it. I can't wait for you to take my last name, it will be an honor. Lots of love, your future husband, Armitage Hux.'

You didn't realize it at first but there were also many weapons in the compartment. You put everything back where it went and sat on the couch against the wall.

The ship landed nicely and you got out of it. I can feel the Jedi here, for now I would change out the crystal in your saber. There should be one in your pocket, a green one. Disassemble it and leave the red one on the ship. You cannot slip up at all.

You did what he said finding the crystal in your pocket. You switched them out and left the red crystal in your brother's satchel. You closed your eyes and let the force guide you to the base. It seemed to be underground. You looked around at the woods that surrounded you. You breathed in the oxygen and heard footsteps behind you.

You turned around and three people stood side by side, their lightsabers ignited. You smiled and held your hands up. They were all male except one, "Who are you?" The apparent alpha said. "I am a Jedi Knight seeking refuge. My home planet was blown to smithereens by The First Order, there new weapon, the StarKiller, destroyed it along with many others."

You tried to look as sad as possible, a tear fell from your eye. "They destroyed my family, my friends, and all I loved while I was out trying to find the Resistance." You wiped the tears, now falling from your face in water falls, away. The girl walked up to you, she placed her hand on your shoulder, "She can bunk with my Argos."

The guy rolled his eyes, "How do we know to trust you?" You handed him your lightsaber. "Turn it on..." he flipped it over and pressed the button. It glowed green and lit up his face. He looked back up at you and smirked. He handed it back to you. "Take her down."

You caught one of the other men looking at you. For sake of staying in character you bit your lip and smiled at him. He looked away and you could see a red tint to his face.

The girl took you by the arm and lead you to a hatch. "I'm Corina by the way!" You smiled at her, "I'm Lark! Umm... hey who was that other dude, the really tall one?" She smiled wide, "That's Grant. My brother, why?" You giggled, "No reason... hey unrelated question, is there a Mrs. Grant?" She laughed. "Um no... there isn't. When I think about it there hasn't ever been one." You now knew how to gain trust. Sorry Grant, I'm going to be a horrible first girlfriend.

Corina took you into a small room with two beds. She took your bag and sat it on the empty bed. "I've always had this bed in here, I'm glad that I can finally fill it!" You smiled softly at her. "I'm glad you people let me stay here, I don't know where else I would have gone." She nodded and helped you unpack. "How did you find us?" You put your clothes up, you were glad you avoided all the red and black robes Kylo had given you.

"My grandfather always spoke of this place. He talked about the Jedi he was never able to find. It took me about twenty minutes to find." Corina pulled out Kylo's black shirt and you snatched it from her. She looked at you with a little panic. "I'm sorry... that shirt was my fathers. We were very... close." Her expression softened. "How about I introduce you to Grant."

"I'd love nothing more."

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