Chapter 14: Kings

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For the rest of the flight you kept your distance from Kylo. Every so often he'd check up on you, not saying anything just walking past where you sat. He was very anxious and it radiated off him like a nuclear explosion.

When the ship landed you stood from the chair and walked to the hatch. Kylo joined your side, the hatch opened and revealed a huge city with a castle in the center. "Follow me."

"Master Ren! It is great to see you again." A man approached you and Kylo smiling. He held out his hand to shake and then put it under his cloak when Kylo just looked at it. You giggled at his angry facade, knowing he was a little teddy bear under that mask.

He glanced at you and the man, he then lead you to the big castle. The guards opened the huge wooden doors and another man sat on a throne at the end of the room. When he saw Kylo his expression changed to one of worry. Everyone in the room was frightened.

That's the guy who killed the princess! How dare he? The thoughts of the guards overthrew yours. You couldn't hear yourself think. "King Orasanes." The man jumped at his name. "Kylo Ren, I have been awaiting your arrival." Kylo nodded. "Yes... I am sorry I didn't come immediately, I got caught up in some... work."

The king nodded. "So what brings you here?"

"Your daughter, she is the reason for my visit."

Orasanes got up from his throne and walked around the room keeping his eyes on you and Kylo. "Well... speak your mind." Kylo turned his head to you and then away. "I am sure you know she is dead." The king nodded. "Yes and you killed her, if I'm not mistaken."

Kylo's fist clinched but then released. "Yes I did. Because you weren't smart enough to to keep an eye on her during her visit. She was pregnant, it wasn't my child. So her blood is on your hands, not mine."

"Have you come here to lecture me boy? Tell me a how bad of a father I am? Well son you have a lot to learn to be a true leader." The king looked to you. "I'm guessing this is your new toy. Can you believe he killed an unborn child?"

You laughed, "You say that as if you haven't done it yourself. In every good leader there is a dark side, now it's your decision to either let that dark side consume you, or balance it out. The dark side in that said leader is driven by wanting to protect their followers. You just happen to be the unmerciful king, that craves so much power that he is willing to kill his people who aren't perfect." The king was shocked by your response and Kylo laughed. "We can see right threw you King Orasanes." You quickly added.

In the kings mind you saw strife and struggle. He killed the people in his village who were disabled, gay, and people with mental health issues. His definition of 'perfect' was not correct.

"My daughter was happy with the man she was seeing. She deserved a break from this monster! I don't think you know how much she hated you Ren!" Kylo tilted his head and his voice went an octave higher mocking the king. "How can she be happy when the man she is seeing is her father?"

The guards got into a fighting stance and you couldn't hold in your laughter. Kylo pulled back his robe revealing his lightsaber that sat on his hip. "That's not a smart decision." He hissed.

Kylo turned on his heel as the guards dropped their weapons. He grabbed you by the waist and lead you out the door. "WE ARE DONE TRADING WITH YOU REN! DONE!" He stopped and turned his head not taking his hand off your hip. "That's the point."

He pushed the door open with the force and got you out of there quickly. You boarded the ship and Kylo sat in the pilots seat not waiting for him. You sat in the co-pilots and flipped switches to start it up. He studied you carefully making sure you didn't make a mistake. The thrusters came on and you looked at him and smiled.

"Who do you think my brother learned from?" He chuckled and took off his helmet handing it to you. He pulled up the ship's YOKE (steering) and got out of the planet's orbit. He turned auto pilot on and got up from his seat. You walked behind him, he ran his fingers threw his hair and sighed.

"That was really sexy what you did in there by the way." You said trying to calm him down. He looked back at you over his shoulder. "Really? What are you going to pleasure yourself again at the thought of it?" You rolled your eyes and pushed him down on the middle chair.

"No, but maybe it's your turn." His eyes grew as he studied your body. You straddled his legs and kissed him.

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