Chapter 39: The Little Things

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"Hello there..." a voice said from behind you. You turned around and a man stood at the doorway. You grabbed Kylo's razor off the counter and threw it at him. It went strait threw his body and landed on the floor. "Who are you?!" The mans chest rose and fell, "I am Count Dooku, your grandfather."

"What!? How!? Why!?" He crossed over to you and looked at you threw the mirror. "I see you are troubled, worried about a big step in your life." You looked back at him not seeing his reflection, "Yes I am, but what do you have to do with that?"

"Well you are my flesh and blood. You have my power coursing threw your veins. I sensed you were frightened of marrying a man that you have felt strongly for, for a very long time now. He's made you angry, he's made you regret certain actions, and you've had so many opportunities to leave but you haven't. There is a reason for that my granddaughter."

"And that is?" You said rolling your eyes. Dooku grew a bit darker, not being as translucent as before. He grabbed your hands and held them, "Because you love this man, and in two day you will finally be able to express that love. So I say go for it." He let go of your hands and kissed your forehead before fading into nothing.

You walked back over to your bed and picked Kylo's holopad up. You messaged your father, 'Can I come to you guys room? I need to talk about something.- Y/N' You got an immediate response, 'Of corse dear!' It was almost like your dad was waiting on a message. You walked to the Duck Hun and opened the door. Your parents sat on the bed and it looked like an intervention.

Your mother motioned you to sit in the chair beside the bed. The one Kylo always sat on when he entered your room unannounced. "What is it dear?" Your father asked as worry spread across his face. "I just met grandfather... he appeared to me as a ghost." Your dad looked down at the ground. "What was he like dad?" Duckiro snickered, "I never had the pleasure of knowing my father... he was always so busy with work, and then he died. Killed at the hand of your fiancé's grandfather, Darth Vader. So what was he like?"

You felt guilty, "He seemed to care about me." Your dad nodded, "My father never visited me because of my lack of his power... he saw me as useless, therefore he never took time to know me. He also didn't want to have any weaknesses, you know Sith stuff." You nodded.

"Well I guess I'll head back over... thank you guys. I love you." You hugged them and walked back over to your room. Kylo way laying down, you walked over to him and tapped his back. He smirked and grabbed you, pulling you on top of him. "I can't wait for you to become my wife." You smiled, "I can't wait to be your wife."

You rolled off of him and scooted so your back was against his body. "Goodnight love."


The bed was empty. Kylo left a little note, 'Have fun at your party, go to Sam's room to kick it off.' You smiled and walked to Sam's room. The door was already open and Sam was laying in the bed talking to your mom. Her face lit up when she saw you and she hit Sam's arm. "You made Armi get up at 3:00 this morning! They have been planning this since 3:00!" You laughed.

"Did he wake you up?" Sam nodded, "But I went right back to sleep! I'm not staying up like that." You sat down over beside your mom. Sam sat up and sighed, "So you ready for tomorrow?" You groaned and fell back on the bed. "Don't talk about and I might just forget about it." Sam laughed and your mom patted your thigh. "Oh come on honey, I was super nervous the day before my wedding, and I bet your brother was too."

Sam nodded, "I worried Armi was too perfect for me. I was a mess! And I didn't even get a party!" You smiled, "It wasn't my choice to have a party!" Sam looked at the time, "Oh Sith! You have your first rotation to go to!" Sam pulled you off the bed. "Where are we going?" Your mom blindfolded you and they lead you out the door. "Oh screw you guys!"

They laughed and took you down many hallways. You counted the rights and lefts and knew where you were going, the loading bay. They removed the blindfold and a note sat where you stood all those months ago when you first arrived. You walked over to it and picked it up. 'The first place where I saw you. You were scared of me and I loved it, I loved how such a beautiful girl was scared of me.'

"Wow how sweet..." Sam said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. "Whatever Samuel." You shoved the note into his chest. Your mom lifted the blindfold and you held your hand up, "Don't." She laughed and wrapped it around your arm. "He had a feeling you wouldn't want to wear it."

"Follow me!" Sam lead you all to the interrogation room. Another note sat on a chair. 'Where I realized the power you held. It intrigued me and made me want to get to know you. Not for your power, but for you.' You smiled and ran your fingers on the table that you once were strapped to. "Off to the training room!!"

The door opened and a note sat on the bench. 'So many things have happened in this small room. Here you've gotten hurt, we had our first kiss, I found out how strong you were in this room. I also asked you to dinner in this room. The other big event was, I trained you to become the amazing Sith you are today.'

This was all so beautiful, as you went from room to room, many notes sat on tables, chairs, and the floor. The dining room: 'Where I made you drink alcohol that I knew you couldn't handle, and where I pinned your brother down for making fun of you. Also where I showed you how you tortured me with that stunning body of yours.' You blushed at that one. The hallway bathroom: 'Where I cleaned you up after you vomited out your guts because I felt guilty for making you drink that bourbon.' The Duck Hun: 'You know what happened here ;)' you giggled and hid that one from your mom, knowing the sheets weren't changed. "Alright! That's the end of the tour! Now all we have to do is wait for tonight! Whoop whoop!" You giggled and held all the notes close to your heart. "I can't wait."

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