Chapter 42: White and Red

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You walked to the Banquet Hall and felt your legs shaking. You took a deep breath and your father took your arm. Your mother slipped into the door and you saw Kylo standing at the alter, he looked more nervous than you.

Your dad took your arm and lead you out of the way of the door as they opened, Hux and Sam walked down the isle. Sam being your man of honor and Hux being Kylo's best man. Music started to play and your dad stepped out leading you down the isle. You smiled as you saw Kylo's shoulders fall. He looked at you in awe.

Your dad kissed your cheek and let you go. You looked into Kylo's eyes, "You... look amazing." You nodded and your dad stood in between the two of you. "Hello everyone! As most of you know I am Y/N's father... and gosh I've never seen my baby girl look so happy. She has always been a bright person who always smiled, but now I know what her true smile is, that smile always comes out of corse when she is around you, Kylo."

Kylo smiled his eyes flashing back and forth between you and your father. "Well today I'm here go join two soulmates. Hearing the story of how Y/N and Kylo met was very interesting. He saved my daughter from death, right after she saved him. It's a very interesting story... but I'm not going to bore you all with it. I want this to be short and sweet, so Y/N, do you take Benjamin Han Solo to be your lawfully married husband?"

You looked at Kylo and saw the lump in his throat. "I do...." Kylo pulled the ring out of his pocket and slid it on your finger. You smiled so much that it hurt. "Now Kylo, do you take Y/N Duckiro Y/L/N to be your lawfully married wife?" He nodded, "I do!" Sam nudged your arm and handed you his ring. You put the black ring on his finger. "Well then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" You stood on your toes and kissed Kylo.

He pulled away and sighed, "God, I love you." Everyone laughed and Kylo started to lead you out the door. A figure caught your eye as you walked. Your heart dropped, you knew who it was right when he tipped his hat at you. Kylo lead you to the training room. "We have to stay here for a sec while they set up the rest of the stuff." You nodded and sat down.

"You look ravishing in that dress." Kylo's voice came out in that chest growl that you loved. You put your bouquet down and rested your face in your hands. Kylo got worried, "What is wrong my love? Are you having second thoughts?" You shook your head. "No it's just an old friend is here..." Kylo put his warm hand on your back. "Who? I'll kick them out."

"His name is Victor. He's an ex, and he was my first." You moved your dress a little and showed Kylo a scar on your thigh. "He was someone I hunted a while back... he cut me with my knife, looked me in the eyes and we went from there." You sighed rubbing the scar.

Kylo nodded, "I broke up with him shortly before I left to come here. He cheated on me with my best friend." Kylo stood, "Would you like him to leave." You smiled up at him, "No... let's just show him how happy I am without him." Kylo took your hand and lead you to the dining room. People were all around dancing, eating, and drinking.

Victor stood against the wall and looked up at you with a sly smile. "How are the newly weds!" Sam asked blocking Victor from your view. "Great! Thank you all for this... it's so amazing." Sam smiled, "Thank them not me! I just handled the decorations." You giggled and saw that Victor now stood behind Sam. In what looked like a line to greet the new couple.

"Hello Darlin'" Victor's thick country accent filled your ears. "Victor... what a surprise, I thought you had forgotten about me when you slept with Vix." Victor laughed, "Vix wasn't anything compared to you hun. I'm sure this guy can agree... ain't nobody better than you." Kylo scowled, "I don't think you know who you are talking to, partner." Victor chuckled.

"Oh I know... the all mighty Kylo Ren... well buddy, just for the record, I taught her all that stuff she does to you under those sheets." Kylo scoffed, "Oh really, well I know one thing for sure.... I introduced her to parts of her body she didn't even know existed."

Victor smacked his lips, "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is big guy." Kylo chuckled and lifted his hand. Victor grabbed for his throat and gasped for air. "Don't you ever disrespect my wife on her wedding day. Now get off my base before I shove my hand so far up your ass to where I could use you as a puppet." Kylo let Victor go and he stumbled to his feet.

"This isn't it Ben Solo. By the way your parents said hello." That was it, he pushed Kylo over the edge. Victor laid lifeless on the floor and everyone proceeded with the party. Relatives you didn't even know you had greeted you. Great aunts and uncles. Fifth cousins and step cousins galore.

"Alright now we will proceed with the Father Daughter dance. If Duckiro and Y/N will make their way to the dance floor." Your dad smiled at you from across the room and you walked towards the dance floor. He took your hand and the classical music started to play. He lead you around the floor.

He pulled you close to his chest and whispered in your ear. "You promise me you'll say something if he does anything to you." You rolled your eyes, "He would have done something by now. You dad smiled and the song ended. You kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you dad." He nodded.

"And now for the couples first dance!" Kylo stepped forward and chuckled. You grabbed his hands, "I don't dance Y/N." You smiled, "I know..." you felt as if you danced the night away. One song turned into three and many other couples joined you on the floor. You rested your head on Kylo's chest while you swayed.

Hux lead Sam over to you and he kicked your shin. "Hey!" You said giggling, "Don't make me get Kylo to go all Victor on you!" You pointed to the Troopers mopping up blood. Sam laughed and turned back to Hux. "Wanna hit the hay?" Hux nodded.

"Can we leave too Ky?" He nodded. "Please." You laughed and turned to your family. "I think we are going to turn it in for tonight. Thank you guys for everything, we enjoyed it." Kylo picked you up bridal style and walked out the door.

Kylo carried you across the ship and dropped you on the bed. He threw his shoes off the red bottoms facing up. You pulled off your dress and shoes thankful to get out of them. You didn't even care that all you were wearing was underwear. Kylo flopped on the bed beside you, pulling you close. He whispered words in a different language into your ear. You didn't know exactly what he was saying but it was about love, and how beautiful you were.

Right before you closed your eyes he mumbled, "Mine." His sweet voice sent you off to sleep. You were glad that you didn't have a big wedding, and you were glad Victor came. You now knew Kylo's one desire. To protect you.

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