Valentines Day One Shots (Explicit)

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A/N: Hello lovely people! I want to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day! In honor of Valentines Day I wanted to write two one shots. I hope you enjoy!

Sam and Hux (Smut Male X Male)

Hux walked into the room, he quietly closed the door behind him, he looked petrified. "Hey Hun! You ok..?" Hux nodded and laid beside me on the bed. "You'll never guess who I just ran into." He said looking off into space. I cuddled up on his chest, "Who my love?"

"Kylo and your sister.... she had a couple of marks on her neck." I sat up "What!" Hux chuckled and placed me back on his chest. "They were running and I happened to run into them. It was completely unintentional. He called me a 'Cock blocking son of a bitch.' As I walked away." I laughed.

"You think they'll be good for each other?" Hux always had a good radar for things like that. He was a very smart man. "Yes I do." Hux got off of the bed and pulled me to my feet. He wrapped his arms around my waist resting his forehead on mine.

"His excitement reminds me of a familiar couple that didn't care that their relationship was forbidden." Hux smirked at me. God his smirk was so hot! "Oh really? Who was that couple again?" I smiled as he pulled me in closer.

Hux sauntered over to his record collection. He pulled out my favorite record. The songs on it were played at our wedding. He put it on and walked back over to me. Hux was an amazing dancer, I loved when he held me close and whispered the counts in my ear.

He held me tightly against his warm body. I could hear his heart thump in his chest, in sync with mine. He stepped out and in followed his steps. He taught me how to dance the first night we spent together. When we were both in our early twenties.

(Flash back)
"So what is your opinion on dancing?" Hux asked his words slurred. "Oh Sith, I can't dance!" Hux smiled up at me. He got up pushing the hair that fell in his face back. He pulled me off the couch in his room.

He grabbed my hand, "Is this ok?" His said intertwining his fingers in mine. I nodded quickly, I had the biggest crush on Hux. He slowly wrapped his arm around my waist. He looked down at his feet and then back up at me. "You step back while I step forward. Then we step to the side while turning. After that you step forward and then to the side."

I put my hand on his shoulder and I followed his directions. He smiled as I watched my feet trying to make them perfect. He spun me outward and then pulled me back in. I stopped watching my feet and looked into his eyes as the song swelled.

I accidentally tripped over his bed falling on it. Hux fell on top of me and stared down at me. He quickly leaned down and his lips connected with mine. I inhaled quickly tasting the alcohol on his breath. My fingers tangled in his hair as he bit my bottom lip. I pulled away and he breathed heavily.

"Hux.... I-" he cut me off by sighing and rolling over beside me. "I'm sorry.... I just.. I've wanted to do that for a long time now." He nervously chuckled. "What the hell is wrong with me." I rolled over and hovered over him. "You didn't let me finish. I was going to ask is you wanted to take it further." Hux got a mischievous grin on his face and bit his lip.

As he kissed me again my hands wandered down to his pants. I always thought his uniform was hot, I mean who doesn't like a man in uniform. He groaned into the kiss as my fingers brushed over his hard on. I trailed my kisses down to his jawline.

"You like that?" I growled. Hux let out a soft moan. I unbuttoned his jacket. "Damn how many layers of clothing do you have!" I asked frustrated looking at the button up shirt. "Just rip it, I have like fifty!" He groaned as my fingers still traced patters on his thigh. I quickly grabbed the shirt and ripped it off, doing the same with the tank top underneath.

I slipped my hands under the ripped clothing and slid it off his shoulders untucking it as I started to kiss his collarbone. He raked his fingers threw my short brown hair and pushed down hard.

I kissed down his chest and torso. I discarded his pants and stared down at his black boxers. I tried to keep my composure as I looked at the tent in underwear. He sighed and his body shivered. "Please Samuel, stop looking at it like that." I smiled up at him soaking in every weak moment from him.

I yanked his boxers off and kitten licked his member. He inhaled quickly at the contact. I looked up at him innocently. He groaned and grabbed the back of my head pushing me down. "It's my turn to take control." He said forcing me down.

It was soft so I could resist if I wanted to, but I didn't want to. I hallowed out my cheeks as he did most the work. He pulled me away and looked at me demandingly, "Strip. Now." His voice was sharp and it sent a chill down my spine. "Yes General."

I was completely exposed to him, as he was to me. He stood up and pushed me down on the bed. He studied me on his bed taking a mental picture. He grabbed his jacket off the floor and grabbed an item out of his pocket. He popped the lid off and showed me the label. It was lubricant.

"Never know when you're going to need this." He chuckled coating his fingers with it. Hux rubbed his fingers in all the right places. "Armitage... please." He smirked at me, "Please what Samuel?" He crawled over he his lips hovering over mine. The way he said my name when his voice was deep with lust could sent me over the edge anytime. "Please let me have you."

He silently laughed and lined himself up with my entrance. "If you say so." He thrusted in slowly, letting me adjust to his size. With ever inch he kissed my neck. "All in." He said with a groan. His arms were at each side of my face. His thrust grew hungrier as he massaged my lower back to help me relax.

I wrapped my legs around his waist trying to get him closer to me. I felt my climax crawl to the front of my body. I scraped my fingers down Hux's back leaving scratch marks as I tried to keep everything inside. Hux snaked his hand in between our bodies and rubbed my shaft. "Fuck Hux!" He growled as a response, he looked so concentrated.

His rhythm grew uneven as he speed up. "Come for me Samuel, I know you want to." His voice sent me over the edge sticking us together. "Oh my FUCKING Grievous ARMITAGE!" He followed soon after roaring out my name. He fell to my side and pulled me into him kissing my head.

"Do you have some baby wipes in your jacket pocket too?" He laughed and walked into the bathroom wetting a rag. He cleaned himself off and did the same for me. From that point on I knew I wanted to be his.

Ben Solo X Reader (Fluff)

Ben was a man that you grew up with a man that you loved. You both sat curled up at a fire place, his hands were tangled in your hair massaging your scalp. His ring was cold on your head grazing it ever so often. You got married after three months of knowing each other. It was love at first sight.

"Does that feel good?" You nodded and hummed. "I'm sorry hun... I know you hurt." He kissed your head and went down to massage your legs. He was referring to your period cramps. It was your anniversary and you were on your period, how sexy.

Ben was always a caring soul, he never wanted to see you in pain, and that time of the month was his worst week too. You weren't the raging type, like all the girls were portrayed, you were the type that wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep.

He started to rub your thighs digging his thumbs into the sides. It made you squirm a little, but then you found it was the perfect spot. You found your mind drifting and Ben stopped. He got up off the couch and walked away. You looked around the room and he was gone.

"Ben!!" No answer. You groaned and laid down on the couch. You heard rummaging in the room and you tried to poke your head but Ben pinned you down on the couch with his hand. You forgot how strong he was.

"Ben, let me go!" He groaned, "No... just wait a minute." He removed his hand and you sat up. "Ben... I thought we said no gifts..." he sighed and handed you the necklace. "Y/N... I just saw it and it screamed you. I had to get it." You sighed and hugged him kissing him. "Thank you."

He nodded and sat back down beside you. For the rest of the night he read you Romeo and Juliet until you fell asleep. After you were asleep he finished the play and sat there for the entire night letting you rest.

A/N: Sorry this was short I really didn't know what to write... and I don't read fluff that much. Anyways thank you for reading! Happy Valentines Day!!! I love you all!

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