Chapter 25: Tatooine

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A/N: Hello lovely people! I'm sorry that I am updating a lot less, I have a bad case of writers block... I promise I will try to update once a day, but if I skip a day I am so sorry! I hope you enjoy this chapter! -Layla

The final bags were loaded and you were off. This time you sat in your own chair. You intertwined your fingers in Kylo's big hands. "Kylo?" He hummed and looked at you. "When we are here you won't be able to wear your helmet." He huffed, "I know. I also want you to call me by my first name, my birth name, and my first name only." You nodded.

You knew that Tatooine wasn't to kind to The First Order, that's why Kylo made the pilot land the ship so far away from the town. "Thank you Shawn!" You said to the pilot before getting off the ship. A black speeder awaited you and Kylo. "Did you tell my parents who you were?" Kylo chuckled, "No. I remember your father when he was designing the base, he hated me."

You smiled, "He has a very strong opinion, Ben." He smirked at you. He helped you on the back of the speeder, "Do you know how to work this thing?" You asked holding him tightly, "Yes, my grandfather was an expert racer when it came to pods. This is basically the same controls."

He started up the speeder and you were off. You had both had your sabers, for emergencies only. Kylo showed you how to skillfully hide them under your cloak.

You rested your head on his back as he concentrated on the path to the town. You finally arrived after what seemed to be an hour. Your mother stood outside the house, her face lit up when she saw you. You ran and hugged her leaving Kylo to the bags. "Mom! I missed you so much!" She hugged you tightly.

"I missed you too my light." She gave you that nickname when you were younger. Her light in the world of darkness. Kylo struggled with the bags, he got frustrated and just threw them at the speeder. "Ben! Don't do that!!" He looked at you and relaxed, "Can I get some help maybe!?" You giggled and skipped over to him.

You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "You are so cute when you're angry at nothing." He sighed. "They were constricting my arms like snakes!" You grabbed the bags off the ground easily. Kylo looked down at his feet and looked uncomfortable in the sand. "It's everywhere... how did you ever live here grandfather." he mumbled to himself.

He walked over to your mom and shook her hand. "You are so handsome." She pinched his cheek and he fake smiled at her. "Thank you, I'm Ben." She smiled warmly, "Lydia Emerson. Also Ben what is your last name?" He froze. "He's a trooper, he never had one." Your moms smile fell. "His number was Bn-2142. So I gave him a proper name." She nodded.

"Well then let's get out of this heat! I'm sure you two would like a nice shower considering the long commute." Kylo nodded, "Yes please!" You put the bags down in your childhood bed room. A twin bed sat in the middle with a drawer and a mirror. "We are sleeping on this?" Kylo said sitting down on the bed. "Yes dear." You sat on his lap and he scooted back so you could straddle his legs.

"About that shower." He said his voice deep. "Oh you are really going to regret asking for a shower. You grabbed his hand and pulled him outside heading for town. "Where are we going?" You smiled, "You'll see."

You arrived at the public showers. Naked people were everywhere, most being males. Kylo grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. "What is this?!" He said wincing holding you tightly. "It's the public showers, my father didn't instal showers in our house, so we came here as kids."

His voice was high pitched and nervous. "You went here? AS KIDS?" You laughed and pulled yourself off of him. "Yes! Now follow me." Kylo shielded your eyes as much as he could as you guided him to your family shower. "Here it is!" You walked in and shut the door. "You're like my mother." You giggled. "She always shielded my eyes, but never Sam's."

He looked disgusted. "Is that how he... you know what don't answer that." You rolled your eyes and started to undress, your back to him. Kylo watched carefully. "See just like that." You threw your clothes to the side and he walked over to you taking you in. You pointed to a sign, "NO SEXUAL RELATIONS!"

"It's a strict rule, my family will lose their spot." He sighed and removed his clothing. "Fine but you owe me one!" You rolled you eyes, "You always say that!"

"And you always deliver." He said slapping your ass. "KYLO!" He raised an eyebrow. "Who the HELL is Kylo?" He asked winking at you, knowing people could hear you. "Ben... I meant Ben." He was trying so hard not to laugh as gasp echoed through the neighboring showers. "That's right. Your mine, not his." You rolled your eyes. "Yes I am yours. Now clean yo'self."

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