Chapter 8: The Rude Knight

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You woke up in your bed. You didn't remember falling asleep there. You yawned and tasted your breath. Oh no.... I didn't. You remembered that you passed out on the toilet in the bathroom after puking your guts out. But you don't remember coming here.

How did I get here? You rolled out of your bed and walked into the small bathroom. You quickly brushed your teeth. Your headache pounded. You put your hair up in the mandatory bun. You wondered what you were going to wear now you weren't a Stormtrooper. You looked threw your dresser and found a new uniform.

It looked similar to pictures of Jedi robes that you had seen in the past. You carefully put on the black robes. You looked in the mirror, you looked good! A knock at your door interrupted the silence of your room. You opened the door and Kylo looked down at you.

"Kylo, good morning!" He grunted and entered your room. "Umm... excuse me..." you ran over to the side of your bed kicking your underwear under it. He quickly looked at you, "What was that?" He asked with no tone in his voice. "Some clothes, I wasn't expecting a guest."

He sighed and sat down on the small chair. He crossed his legs and put his hand in his head. "What are you doing here." You said sitting on the bed. He looked in your direction, you couldn't see his expression because of that stupid mask. "You we're late for training." He answered quickly.

"Well I'm sorry, you never gave me a specific time." It was almost like he was talking to a wall. "You have your top robe inside out." He retorted pointing to the exposed seem. You rolled your eyes and started to strip. You didn't look at him, but you could tell he was looking at you. You didn't mind.

You put it on the right way and looked over to him. He looked at you, you realized he wanted you to know he was watching you. He got up from the chair and walked out the door like nothing happened. You grabbed your lightsaber and caught up to the rude Knight.

"Hey! What's wrong!" You grabbed his shoulder turning him around. You could feel the rage radiating off his body. It came in waves. "Nothing." He turned back around and continued walking. You rolled your eyes and followed him to the training room.

He opened the door and almost shut it on you. You slid in and your arm almost got cut off. He took off his helmet and threw it to the side. "Today's lesson is going to be mind reading." Finally. "Well I can postpone it." He said in a rude tone.

You leaned your head back. "Please, teach me." He sighed and sat on the floor, he crossed his legs. "Sit." You sat down in front of him and crossed your legs. He closed his eyes. "You must concentrate, close your eyes and imagine the person in your mind. If you see that they are resisting push harder, use more power."

You felt him enter your mind, he shuffled threw memories that he'd seen before. "As you are going threw their memories you must feel their emotions. What they are feeling. It'll help you get what you need. You Y/N feel lonely in a sea of people. You were always different and you took pride in it. That's why you became a bounty hunter, not to protect your family, but to prove yourself more worthy. You didn't want to become a house wife like your mother, that sat around and waited for her husband to come home and give her a word of approval. You don't care if you get approval, you don't strive for that. You just want to be yourself."

You gasped. "I know exactly how you feel." He opened his eyes and his expression softened. "We have a lot in common." You stared into his deep brown eyes and found yourself lost. "Kylo Ren, you fight for power over all, you are inspired daily by rage, and your grandfather. You fear-" you were cut off by a blockade, a strong one. It hurt to push more.

"I don't fear anything." He said sharply. "Try someone other than me. My mind is a dark place Y/N, you're not ready for it. Try your brother." You looked at him knowing he was hiding something. You closed your eyes and saw Sam.

"Samuel Hux. Obsessed with flying, is a great conversationalist, the main two things he fears are losing the love of his life, Armitage Hux, and Kylo Ren." Kylo lightly chuckled. "That's Good he should be afraid." You laughed "Fear is healthy..." he nodded and you looked back at him.

You sat there for a while in a comfortable silence just looking into each other eyes. He leaned forward to where your faces where inches away. Your cheeks grew hot as you felt Kylo's breath on your nose. He pressed his lips against yours. They were soft and slow. You rose to your knees and leaned into him. He pulled away and looked up at you.

Your eyes grew wide. You rose your hand over your head and came down on his face hard. The sound of the hard smack filled the air. He threw his head to his side and cupped his jaw with his hand. "Don't, Ren." You backed off of him and got up to leave.

The door opened and a trooper stood there. "Master Ren, lady Ren awaits your arrival." You looked back at him shocked. He is married?

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