Chapter 36: Perfect

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You laid on his chest listening to the breath in his lungs. Kylo has his fingers tangled in your hair, he was braiding it. "Where did you learn to braid?" You asked sitting up. He chuckled, "Once I started to grow my hair out my mother taught me. She taught me many styles, she never had a daughter, so I guess that was her outlet to bound with me." His voice was still deep considering the night you just had.

"Want to see what my mother taught me?" He looked at you in wonder. You hopped out of bed earning a groan from him. You walked over to the kitchen in nothing but underwear and Kylo's shirt. You grabbed the milk, cinnamon, and coca powder out of the cabinets and fridge. You mixed the ingredients together and heated them up on the stove. You glanced over at Kylo and he stared at you threw heavy eye lids.

You walked over to him and handed him the mug, "It's not coffee, but it'll wake you up." He took a sip and his eyes lit up. "You said your mother taught you how to make this?" You smiled and nodded, curling up beside him." He let out a deep growl as he sipped it again.

A knock was heard at the door and Sam and Hux stepped in. "Y/N! You made moms cocoa and didn't tell me!?" You giggled, "Here have the rest of mine... I won't finish it." Sam snatched the mug from you and drank it. He then handed it to Hux, "Armi you have to try this. It's addicting!" Hux took a sip and nodded. "That's very good Y/N."

Kylo placed the empty mug on the nightstand and wrapped his now free arm around you. Sam snatched the mug from Hux and chugged the rest. "So are you two ready for the big week ahead." Kylo flinched, "Oh Sith! That's what I forgot to tell you!" Kylo took your hands in his. "Your parents are arriving tomorrow, your mother wanted to help you prepare for our wedding.... that's in two days..."

"Wait mom and dad are coming?" Sam said nervously. Hux snaked an arm around his waist and whispered in his ear. Sam rolled his eyes, threw his arms into the air and walked out the door. Hux's eyes fell on you and he nodded his head in the direction that Sam went. You sighed and got out of bed.

You quickly pulled some pants on and followed Sam down the hall. "Sam! Wait up!" Sam turned around and tears clouded his eyes. "What's wrong..." Sam closed his eyes and let the tears fall. "I don't want to ruin your wedding! It's the happiest day of your life and I'm scared I'll ruin it. If mom and dad are coming I know they'll spend hours talking shit about me. And I know I can't just stand around when they are spitting venom in my face."

"Sam they won't make fun of you... they've changed, it's been five years. They accepted me and Kylo and I'm sure they can accept you and Hux." You wrapped Sam in your arms and he pushed you back. "No! You don't get it! They HATE ME! They accepted you and Kylo because in their eyes you are meant for each other. You, a male and female, in their eyes you work. But in their eyes me and Armitage, we aren't soul mates. They promise me garbage like, 'You aren't soul mates, it's a phase.' Or stuff like, 'You just don't know who you are.' Well NEWSFLASH I KNOW WHO I AM! AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE THAT! Their entire life has now been dedicated to making me feel like shit because I don't meet their expectations. All because I like men, all because I want to be myself. Why do you think Armitage wanted you to be his wife when Brendol came? It's because Brendol is a psychotic bitch who would hurt Hux if he knew who he was! I've heard all their words towards me, they don't mention my name anymore. Once I became a Hux they erased me! You don't know how much THAT hurts because your PERFECT! Now do me a favor and tell Armitage I'm in my room."

With that Sam stormed off. You hadn't ever seen this side of Sam, he'd always not cared what your parents thought. He was always so joyful and it hurt you to see him like that. You wiped the tears you didn't even know were on your face away.

You took a deep breath and walked back to Kylo's room. Hux and Kylo were talking about work not hearing the commotion down the hallway. You walked in and fell into the couch. "He's in his room Hux." Hux looked out the door and then excused himself. You sighed and closed the door with a flick of your wrist.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head trying so hard not to cry. "When are they arriving?" You asked glancing in his direction. Kylo checked the time, "They are already on their way, I can message the pilot and tell him to take them back." You stood, "No, they can come, I just need to prove something to them."

Kylo nodded and joined you at your side. "Everything will be ok my love.... I promise."

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