Chapter 6: Dealing With It

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You didn't waste any time. You needed to talk to Sam. You quickly walked threw the base, stormtroopers got out of your way quickly, I guess Kylo really made them fear the force. Then you realized, Oh my Grevious, I have the force. THE FORCE. What the HELL.

Your thoughts were racing at one hundred miles an hour, being quickly thought, and replaced. You reached your brother's station. He sat in his chair on his holopad. "Sam?" He turned to face you, his eyes grew wide and he stood up backing into the control panel. "Y/N!" Hey!" You walked towards him and he fumbled to get further away.

"What are you doing?" You laughed at him as he shoved his holopad behind his back. "Nothing." You smiled and crept towards him. You remembered back to your bounty hunting days. You pulled at your brother's waist grabbing his wrist and slamming him on the control panel.

You grabbed the holopad and looked at it still keeping him detained. "Dinner reservations?" He looked back at you and swept your legs off the ground with his foot. "AH!" You sat on the floor. "I told you, Sam, I have to work I don't have time for dinner." He smiled at you. "Well, now you do. Since they found out about your power you aren't a trooper anymore!"

Your brother was happy but you felt your heart shatter, Welp, there goes my dream job. You sighed. "Well then what am I going to do?" He smirked, "Kylo Ren just got confirmation to train you..." your shoulders fell and you got up from the ground. "What?"

He laughed, "So have fun with that little sis. I have my own problems to deal with." He walked towards the door, Hux and Kylo stood side by side. Sam looked at Hux. Your brother bowed his head at Kylo and they left.

Kylo then turned his attention towards you. You looked down at the floor as he approached you. "Follow me." He said threw his mask. You followed him down the hallway. He walked a little faster than you, his legs were much longer than yours.

He stopped abruptly in front of a door and flicked his fingers at it. The door opened, it was white, and had burn marks all around the walls. A black table was against the wall along with a bench. "This is the training room. I will teach you how to be... almost as powerful as me here."

He walked around the room and traced the burns and red stains with his fingertips. "Your first lesson will be something you are familiar with, combat." He sighed "Maybe you won't fail me as they all have." You knew he was trying to intermediate you, get in your head, that's what they all do.

He pulled his lightsaber out and charged you. You were defenseless, you looked around the room and something on the table. It was shaped like a short metal stick that was curved at the end. You knew exactly what it was.

You dodged Kylo one more time and reached for the lightsaber. It connected with your hand you quickly pressed the button on it. You turned around and put it in front of your face. Kylo's saber connected with yours, you pushed up and as he was getting closer to your face.

His hands started to grow shaky as you started to overpower him. A spark flew off his saber and hit you on the cheek. It sizzled as the smell of burnt flesh filled your nose. You didn't let this distract you, you lifted your leg up and kicked him into the wall. You held him to the wall by his shoulders, with the saber to his neck.

"That's enough Y/N." You let him go and walked back to the table. You set the saber down. "That will be yours by the way. It was apart of my personal collection, but I feel you deserve it. It was your grandfathers." You looked at him and picked it back up. "That was very impressive, have you ever fought with a lightsaber?" You shook your head.

"Well if you are that good as a beginner, you'll be an exceptional fighter." You smiled softly at him and stared into his helmet. You could see his chest rise and fall under his layers of clothing.

"Would you maybe like to get a drink?" You asked wanting to get and know him better. "A drink, huh?" You smiled and nodded. "Sure..." He once again walked out the door before you, you put the saber in your belt. You kept up with him, every so often having to skip. You were excited to get to know your new mentor, and maybe even make him your drinking buddy.

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