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Hey lovely readers! If you couldn't tell by the last chapter, I didn't like where I left this story. I'm sorry that I left it there but I felt I was losing Kylo as a character. I felt like the person I was writing about was a completely different man, so I felt compelled to end it. I will probably return and write more in this story when I have written enough "Hard Core" Kylo Ren, and go with how I originally wanted to end it. I hope you all can understand, I want to thank you all for reading this, and voting on it. I'm also very sorry if you didn't like the way it ended. I am not happy with it and will fix it in the future.

Anyways now it's time for shoutouts! MMMRRR3405
These people are my closest friends and really helped me brainstorm ideas for this story. I appreciate them and all they help me do, please go check them out!

As you should know I wrote this story because I missed writing my General Hux X Reader, Perfection. If you'd like to check that out please do!

I'm also writing another book right now. I felt since I've written a Kylo and Hux book I need to write a Kylux one. I love the ship Kylux, the book is one shots, and I have worked hard on that.... so again please check that out.


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